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Aug 31, 2012
Im looking to purchase an xb12r. Is there any years that I should look for or avoid.
What millage do they die out? I am in the motorcycle industry but have never worked around these bikes or HDs. Still not sure if I want the Rotax but I think an HD engine could be perfect for the way I ride. Any info is great, I checked out the forum but nothing pointed me in any certain direction.
Watch out for 09 model 1125s as the stator WILL fail you - just a matter of time. XBs will go for quite awhile if properly maintained. Several folks on here with 60k plus with no major work.
Also - 08 and up XBs have an updated oil delivery system. All of them are pretty solid bikes IMO. BTW - welcome!
as with any other bike there were many running production changes thru the years but seems that 2008 might have had the most updates. that year featured improved ZTL2 front brake system, redesigned fuel injection system, i believe different showa fork cartridge bushings, 3rd wheel bearing added to rear wheel hub assembly if i'm not mistaken, some very nice improvements. newest buell i own is a pair of 2007 models and they're wonderful quirky bikes. as with any other motorcycle try and buy the newest year with the lowest mileage at the best price. beware sellers bragging up smoke shows, wheelies, stoppies, dyno runs and how many "japbikes" he/she blew off. those are the turds you want to stay away from. i've seen well-maintained reasonably ridden, pampered buells approach 100K miles with minimal problems and ones horribly abused with 3K miles on that were junk.
Lunatic said it best... They don't really crap out any faster than any other modern motorcycle. Abuse is abuse, and since your in the industry you know how that goes.