Thanks for all the input fellas, I'm going to look into all of this today. Just for the record if it helps at all, it started up fine when I left, and shut off while I was driving only.a few feet from my work. It was completely dead for about a minutex but then just kicked back on and displayed a.system voltage message. When i left work, i let it run for a few minutes to monitor the voltage and it was right at 13.9 my entire ride home. However, it again died on my way hone only a few feet from my house.....virtually the same distance and time where it died that morning.
By the way, I didn't mean to offend anyone with my negative attitude, I just didnt expect this within my first week of owning the bike haha. Thanks for the support
By the way, I didn't mean to offend anyone with my negative attitude, I just didnt expect this within my first week of owning the bike haha. Thanks for the support