New to the XB9S - kickstand starting?

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Oct 27, 2013
So I just recently bought a 2003 XB9S, and boy am I quickly falling in love! What makes me scratch my head in questioning is why won't the bike start unless the kickstand is disengaged?? Is there a mod that can be done so it'll start just "parked" at a standstill? What do ya know??
If the bike doesn't start when the kickstand is down but does start when it's up doesn't that mean the switch works?

Does the neutral light come on when the bike is in neutral?
There is also a clutch switch and a neutral safety switch. They all work together. If it all is working properly, the bike should start with the kick stand down and the bike in neutral. It should also start with the clutch lever pulled in while in 1st gear, but stall if you let the clutch lever out to take off with the kick stand still down. If it will only start with the kick stand up then I would assume you might have another switch bad besides the kick stand switch. Maybe your clutch switch or maybe your neutral switch.
Any idea how to wire that out of the equation??

switch contains pair of internal contacts. a very basic bomb-proof switch. stand down....contacts open. stand up....contacts closed and circuit complete. to answer your question you can remove the 2 wires, un-pin them and solder together and insulate that connection. the switch IMO should be kept as OE but do as you please.
Not sure on all Buells, but on the 09s I've ridden they didn't have any problem riding off with the kickstand down. Both were previously owned... so not sure if that's normal.

I THINK i have to pull in clutch, even in neutral, to get it started while on the kickstand... which is fine with me. I don't want it "lunging" while starting in gear.
Yes, I've read that they only had this feature in the '03. To answer some of the questions; when the kickstand is down and in nuetral, the light on the gauge is eluminated. My thought is that everything is working properly, not that a switch is bad...I mean the bike literally only has 6,400 miles! I know that you're thinking...great find: I know! Haha :p
I have an 04 XB9S, and it works exactly the same as my 02 CBR. If bike is in neutral then it doesn't matter where the kickstand is. If bike is not in neutral then kicksand needs to be up or bike will not start. But now as I think about it, I am second guessing myself. Still think thats right. lol
Welcome to the forum first of all, secondly pics or it didn't happen :D thirdly...the switch isn't an issue, unless it becomes one. Mod it or not, up to you. After 8+ years owning my 9s...the switch hasn't been an issue, knock on wood.
Suggestion, before you do anything to change your bike, get the service manual. Read through it, when you can, stay on top of the maintenance and you'll be fine. You're in a great place here on the forum with a huge knowledge base at your finger tips. And yes, you are going to encounter smart *****, like myself, but all in good fun. Anyway, let me know if you need help or leads for parts, part numbers, etc for your '03.

Is your bike a standard or low model? (Low has a yellow rear spring and fork wipers will be inline with the top screw of the front fender, short side stand)