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Nice Johny Kidd, so many nice Buells from Finland!

oh9bolt, nice bike! If you get some free time, can you snap a couple photos of the crash sliders on the cases, was thinking on installing those on mine too.
Thanks Jezuz!


@Johnny Kid

are those carbon looking graphics on the plastic something you installed? or is that a special ed.?
One good looking bike you have there NewYork. I love the simple flat black. Very classy.
Nice sliders too! They look familiar! :p

@ Jezuz: In case you were wondering where to pick some of those case sliders up, Here's a link to our site. We ship internationally too by the way...

50dro they are a great product your the man! Thanks on the paint comments Iv always liked flat black and it's nice not to have to wax it haha. The race can came out good for just rattle can, possibly this winter I will take the head pipes and race can off and get them jet coated to last longer.
Hooker, sorry for late reply! My friend did those cf decals for me. plastics were originally transculent orange (valencia) but they are painted inside with gold flake and matt orange.
Red Mountain Pass in southwest Colorado. Amber rims look good with the changing aspens[cool]
Hey 3amspecial, congrats on the new bike. I actually have ridden your bike. My buddy Bob was the one selling it. Damn that bike is loud!!! If you are in the Portland area Personal Message me and ill give you info on group rides.

For sure one, im down that way pretty often have a few buddies in the area. She definitely has some lungs on her. Got tired off ringing ears, so i baffeled it a bit. Sounds much better imo. Much cleaner less drone. Lol still need ear plugs if I want to be able to hear anything when im 30 :/ He get that subie on the streets again??

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