New XB12R owner - oil pressure light question

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Oct 26, 2009
I just drove my new 09 XB12R home from the dealer this evening (cool bike and 40% off). When I was nearly home, not quite 20 miles away, the oil pressure light started turning on and off. I rode around the block for a bit. It seemed to turn on when I stopped and would go out when I started moving. Is this normal? Will this happen all the time?
No it is not normal. Check your oil level imediately. Sounds like it is low on oil and only goes out as preasure picks up with RPMS. If the oil level is ok, take it back tot he dealer.
Sorry - just realized I accidentally posted this in the Ulysses section. Sorry, but maybe you Uly riders can give some input. Thanks.
Yes. I did check the oil level, following my new instruction manual. It was right in the middle of normal range. I suppose I'll call the dealer in the morning.
I took the bike to the dealer and they hooked it up to read oil pressure at various rpms. It was at least 10 lbs low at 3K rpm, so they kept the bike for further investigation. They tried and checked everything that they could think of and could not fix it. So they called Tech Services and finally found the problem. There is supposed to be some sort of jet in the middle of the flywheel and my bike did not have one. They are sending a new engine. Hopefully everything will be fine. Can't wait to get it back.
A whole new engine sounds good. How miles total did the bike have before this? Congrats on the new bike
The oil pressure light started coming on at about 30 miles. It had maybe 50 miles on it by the time I got it back to the dealer.
**** happens, but at least they are doing the right thing. Just TRY and get that kind of service with a Ducati. You would be fighting them tooth and nail with the lemon law for months and months, I know, a friend of mine had an issue like that. He went to BMW because of his bad experience with Ducati. At least from your misfortune we all know that H-D has no bad intent in honoring the Buell warranty. Good luck. It will be well worth it when you get your new engine in there. The bike is awesome and amazing. I actually prefer it to my Ducs now, the engine has so much character that it "keeps me company"......I know, I'm a little sick.
A new engine is good but hey randy4p +1 [up] for being positive about the hole thing. Buells are great bikes When finally get to put some miles on her you will know what I mean [smirk]
Yeah, props on being cool about it. the way...i think my bike might probable maybe definitely be missing this plywheel jet going to ask for a new engine.
Here's a thought....try and buy that "defective" engine from them. They don't need it and can't use it. Then, you have another engine to screw around with down the road if you run into a bike builder that can modify it. I'm sure the "problem" is a case of over-engineering and it will run just fine. You might end up with a spare engine out of it. :p
Got my bike back with the new engine. All seems well so far. That 1st 50 miles of the break-in is torture. But, I restrained myself and got through it. This bike is pretty damn cool.
Good to hear you didn't get too frustrated with it. That was a really weird problem, normally these engines are built like tanks.
Wonder if this is whats up with mine, not actually ridden it yet so only 1 mile on clock, but been starting her up.

Noticed oil light flickering on and off and then staying on, rang dealer and they will collet, checked level and plenty on stick/dipper.
I just picked up a XB Saturday and my ol light came on at the very first start up at the dealer and took a while for it to go out. Now and then it will blink on and off as I am riding. Scared the crap out of me.
Het listen, If your oil light is blinking, that means you are loosing oil preasure. Stop playing around with it and check the oil level the proper way as the manual says. If the oil level is ok, get it to the dealer to get it looked at if it is still under warranty. Dont play around. Low oil preasure can and most likely will do damage.
I read the manual cover to cover and checked the oil the proper way and the level is corect. I'm on my way to the dealer to buy a Buell t-shirt and mention it to the service department about the light comming on now and then. Spookey when it blinked on on the HWY for a second.

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