It's official, for the first time in my life I own an American motorcycle. Picked up a 2004 XB12R Firebolt last week off of Craigslist. Only has 9,000 miles and came fitted with a full Micron exhaust, K & M air filter, race ECM, Pit Bull stands, oil and a new filter, even a service manual, all for $3200. She needs tires, brake pads, and a general tune but overall she runs strong and is very clean. So far it's been allot of fun riding and getting used to all the different sounds and vibrations it makes. Love the deep thump in the exhaust. I've set up the suspension according to the service manual and inflated the tires to spec. Will ride her as is until 10,000 miles and then do the full scheduled service. She stumbles right off idle if you open the throttle open too quick but no problem rolling it on. Not sure if that's just one of the characteristics of the bike. Also when starting it seems to stop for a split second at TDC and then "powers" past it and will fire right up. Any suggestions regarding the stumble? The guy said he had the fuel map tuned and set by a Harley dealer after he installed the Micron exhaust.