Ninja 250 Exhaust Fail

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lol WTF!! and he is so proud of his work!

Got to hand it to the guy for not giving up no matter how screwed up his fixes are , but it is funny as hell !
AMAZING how clueless some are.....

I feel like I lost some IQ points reading that, and the threads with the tard and his ZX10.


haha dave, have you seen "dude wheres my car" i watched it last night, and your post made me laugh!
I laughed till I ALMOST pissed myself........Good stuff. As soon as I finish this 6pack Im headed to the shop......I sees a new muffler in my future !!!!
Freak, post some pics of your exhaust! If it looks good enough when I finish this bottle of tequila tonight I might have you make me one!
as easily remove it in less than a minute.
The sound was MUCH quieter. Didn't really notice any performance change.
... lol.......what performance?????
Wow......just wow. I can't fabricate worth ****, but I think I could do a lot better than this guy.....while I was blindfolded.

You have to hand it to him though.....that missile thing he put in the exhaust may be used in the next James Bond film.....on a larger bike, of course. Can you imagine driving behind that bike and have that thing get shot out at you.

Different strokes for different folks.
.....that missile thing he put in the exhaust
I think that is what caused his carbon muffler to fly off.........way to much back preasure.

Do not encourage breeding for this individual.
I think he needs to be castraited......perhaps by his now bind dog.
I love the comment at the end

Problem #1: you can't braze worth a damn, it's not hard to make it pretty.
Problem #2: you're completely and utterly without common sense.

what the hell are you doing letting your DOG watch you weld? So a mask is good enough for you...but sure it's not gonna hurt the dogs eyes at all? bravo sir, I didn't know dog's eyes were so superior for welding. Can I teach my dog to weld?

Also, welding on a WOODEN cabinet full of FLAMMABLE materials? My god.....does that really need to be pointed out? I figure you'll just blow your nuts off someday, because a man so inept in common sense shouldn't procreate!

So you started off with a heavy stock system...and ended with? Oh another heavy stock system but uglier, that makes sense?

I also notice you still have tools in their original wrapping hung on the wall. Good, now go return them as you obviously have no mechanical abilities.

oh, and flex pipe? really? yeah because that gives great smooth airflow...
Is this guy serious I could do better with some duct tape and a coffee can. [confused]
what I also found entertaining aboot the link was the fact that a few members including admin thought this guy was 'on the ball', (apparently using inhalents as a stimulent seems to be the norm for this genius fabricater) and he knows his stuff...

Is this guy serious I could do better with some duct tape and a coffee can.
do it B, then post a huge ass write on their forum...(then all us Buellers willl go over and rav aboot how awesome it is)