njdevils1990....intro and pics!!!

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RJ means something kinda like this. Sorry for it being so shakey the post hole on the bottom of the camera was about to come off lol.
thanks onelogue and i just went out today and took a video with the camera mounted on the passenger peg.
Dave, i will try im going to take it off again when it gets warmer and paint it with a high temp paint, and i dont have a front fender its just not there lol i need one tho.
Good looking bike. If you do have your race pipe ceramic coated or high temp paint like I did, I recomend polishing the header with WD40 and a scotch brite pad.
ok so recent little projects.
ripped afart the front fairing to find any bad wired to troubleshoot a problem i am having (made another thread about that) and decided, hey why not fix the fairing bracket. So i did that with the help of jb-weld and let it sit over night. Next morning i decided to paint it as well so ran to lowes and picked up primer and a gloss black paint for the fairing and while i was there i saw they had high temp pains so of course i had to pick some up for the race pipe...pretty much they look awesome and ill post pics when i have everything back together.
here you go!! (i love taking pictures just in case you all didnt know by now)















njdevils1990, [up] for all the pics and videos. (without posting them all over the forum. I can tell you love your bike. All the t.l.c. you are giving it is paying off.
yes it is love! and i figured i would do everyone a favor and keep everything in one thread but slowly she is coming together only a few small things left to do before i start worrying about more mods lol just need a heel guard and a front fender and were golden.
My first mod i have in mind as of now is powder coating the rims, i want to slowly black her out but will leave the swingarm, frame and engine their respective colours until they need some sort of work like engine/trans rebuild or a nice winter project for next winter.
Ooh and heres a little follow up video from the first videos i posted when it ran like ass...thats not so much the case now :D

ooh and yes it was warmed up so no need to worry about the engine.
Also put just under 1,000 miles on her since i got her on the road on the 3rd of March.
well my tires should be at my door be 12pm today so im gonna get her ready to get lifted up and have her wheels pulled off, i will also take allot of pictures and do a write up on how to change your tires as well
I will be taking notice of everything, break in period, wear and tread life and how the dyna beads perform.
well i can say the tires are awesome but im weary of the dyna beads now because my dad thinks they were the cause of my tank slap (but realistically it was because i was riding a bit too spirited in the wrong place) but they are now on my 1125 and holding their own. As for Christine she will soon have herself a new home for someone to enjoy her even with the cosmetic and header damage, but i would love to have been able to keep her but now i have to pay off Lizzy (my 1125cr) and replenish some of my savings. I will truly miss her very much
Wait......did I miss something? The way I read the thread, you got tires, were going to post a review, and now you've had an accident and now have an 1125CR? [confused]
pretty much yeah, like a month ago as of today i had a tank slapper that threw me off my xb at about 70mph and somehow walked away with some road rash on my shoulder and a most likely sprained wrist and just started riding again last week when i got the 1125 but road my xb twice about 50-60 mile rides each. So i havent been on here allot in that time because ive been sitting around healing up and just got released back to work this past wendsday. As far as the tires go, they are awesome and survived a crash ive put about 2000 miles on the tires all together and they are wearing well ill have to check but i think their at 4-5/32nds at rear and started with 6 and the front about 3-4/32nds and started with 5. Heres the link to the thread i made with the pics of me and the bike. Wreck thread
Well I have a little over 2000 miles on the michelins (1500 on the xb and 540 on the 1125) and as far as ware goes the front came with 5/32nds tread ad has 3/32nds in the middle and 4/32nds on the edge and the rear cane with 6/32nds and has 4/32nds in the middle and 5/32nds on the edge. Performance is amazing and I felt more confident with the michelins than the corsa 3's that were on both bikes beforehand. Warm up on the tires is quick only a couple minutes and brake in period for me was about 100 miles and also scrubbed te tires with soapy water and 50 grit sand paper. Over all so far I love these tires and will be purchasing them again when I need to, and at this rate I should get about 6-6500 miles out of them.
i only ever hear amazing things about the pure's. hopefully going to run a set after i finish my q2's (also another very good tire that i have no complaints about whatsoever)[up][up]
To bringing back threads from the dead. Ill soon be looking into another XB to run alongside my 1125. Right now im thinking of an S but may go for an R as I have the CR which is similar to the XBS. And ever since I sold my XB9R I have missed it. Nothing serious as of yet but I imagine in about 6-12months I may have myself a new toy.

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