No Blast from my Blast

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May 14, 2010
Howdy, My son had purchased a Buell Blast 2008. I am so sad to say he passed away at only 22. i was going to get rid of it but then thought I would keep it and leave it in Ohio for when we visit. Anyhow I rode it home replaced the primary chain tensioner and put a new inyake on it. It started right up revved fine. Then I was just messing with plastic trim started it and now it will not run past idle. The carb. is fine and has been apart several times. I know a Harley tech who says it's not the carb.
Please help me get my sons bike going as now it is a keepsake and is eating me up that I can't get it to run and I work on bikes all the time..
sorry to hear about your young one. Far as the Blast I don't know squat about em =/ I wish you luck and I'm sure some folks will chime in and give out some ideas
Sorry for your lost. What happens when you try to crank it? Mine was running rough then wouldn't crank at all, changed the coil, then the plug and wire cause it was about time. It fired right up. My guess would be the coil, good thing is, they are cheap!
Thanks for your quick responses.. A few times it's hard to crank but then others it starts and idles but you cannot rev it up..
I would personally change the coil, spark plug, and plug wire, all in all it will cost around/under $50.

To change it, remove the tank plastic, drain the gas tank, remove the tank and you can get to everything very easy from there.
not at my dealer, had to order it, got it in over night for free though. Rarely will they have buell parts instock unless it is something that is interchangable with a harley
I'd start with the easiest by checking the plug first if it was me and move on from there, just my 2 cents.

Just wanted to extend my sincere condolences to you, I have a son and can't imagine...
Thanks again, I did change the plug and looked at all the easy stuff. I only took it to the Harley tech because I need no more stress but now I see my thoughts were probably correct and I was on the right track. I tell you these last two years have been the worst and better be the worst I have. I also about lost my wife in an auto accident and she now cannot work and is disabled. I have been just trying to do some normal things to make life seem a bit normal. The Blast hasn't helped but I refuse to let it beat me.
Thanks again.
Some of you said you have a son and believe me you can't imagine. The last thing I said to my son and he to me was I Love You. Make sure you kids know that and tell them often and make the most of your time together,, make time... As it is said, You do not want to learn the hard way..
Thanks and God Bless you..

I do not understand the throttle cable question??:(
If you still have problems you should post a thread to see if there are any buellers close by. I'm pretty sure there are several in the ohio area that might be able to drop by.
Thanks again, we seem to ahve it running now the alum. piece that the needle runs through was in upside down. I probably did it as I don't think straight most of the time. I upped the main jet also and its doing better. Also sorry for being confusing but I used to live in Ohio and am taking the buell there. I currently live in central Florida.
Thanks to all...
Yes me to but guess what?? It is running but has a bog in mid range so I ordered a jet kit. So it is sitting in my garage and then out of the blue it's leaking oil all over.. It is coming out it seems between the clutch cover and case. I just don't get it. If it wasn't my sons i would junk it. I had that side apart a month or so ago because the primary chain tensioner was broke. I put anew gasket on and it has been fine for about a month. What gives?? I just took the side off and there are ground up pieces of something in the side case. Clutch coming apart maybe??? I have just about had it..
Any thoughts, other than just take it to the shop which I have only done twice in my life.. I did notice the side case had came a bit loose and I wonder if some of those pieces got down in between the gasket and case.
What they don't tell you -

Do cover torquing sequence per manual, then do 3 or 4 heat cycles, then re-torque. 1 qt should be in primary. Primary too tight- already grounding up new tensioner. should at least be 12 to 14 flats out from torqued value, not books 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 flats out. No biggie - just extra work.
Thanks, I do not see any indication of wear on the tensioner. As far as I can tell the adjuster is not even touching the tensioner. I am sorry but I do not know what you mean by flats out. Also is it odd that it went like a month and no oil leak?
thanks a bunch for your help..
No, just the bolts loosening back up - its a single, thats why the advice - a few heat cycles then re-torque the bolts according to sequence.
Primary adjustment - torque to 24 inch pounds then turn bolt back 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 flats out ( a flat is one flat face side of a bolt head) - recommend instead 12 to 14 flats out from torque value.