No Fuel Light At All

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Nov 15, 2012
Not to long ago on my way to work i noticed my fuel light was on, i was not to far from work and running late so i passed the gas station to keep from being late. Well when i left i totaly did not remember or notice the fuel light. Long story short i ran out of gas and a quick push to the nearest gas station i was back in buisness. But a few days later i remember saying to myself i have not got gas in awhile. But no fuel light came on. Not too long after saying that i ran out of gas again. But this time there was no fuel light. Is there a reset procedure or something that if you completly run out of gas you have to do. Now i have no fuel light. Any thoughts, i have a 08 uly.
Is there a reset procedure or something that if you completly run out of gas you have to do
no theres no reset sounds like a level sensor problem or the wiring.

Welcome to the Forum. Item number 4 item/part on the picture above that Anrkizm provided will help you, to get the correct part. The Sensor must be replaced if you like going by the fuell light. Meanwhile if all else is working good, you can always go by the fuell miles on your Guage Cluster.There are TWO of those anyway, select one and use it if you are strapped for cash like the Holidays always seems to do. BUT make sure to keep[ track] of the miles!!! Fill up to be safe every 90 to 100 or so miles.
Anytime you get a Vehicle that has an inner sensor light check how many miles the Machine can go on the fuell per., fill up. Make sure when you change out the Fuell pump when it is removed NEW o'rings for the Base and please Change the Fuell Filter making sure to paying attention to the Flow or the way the Arrow on the CanisterFilter shows the Fuell is Flowing.
I don't know how many miles your Buell can go between fill ups but it is always a good practice to keep you riding go by your mileage per fill up , reset the counter and be gentle on the buttons remove the gloves so you won't have to press so hard because the buttons on ALL vehicles nowdays seem to break easily. Good Luck on your repairs.Happy Christmas to ALL! *Jimi .
I'm not familiar with what kind of bulb would be in the dash but have you checked that? Is it possible that it is burnt out? I can't remember if it flashes on and off on start up or not so I don't know whether that would be a sign or not. Might as well start with the small stuff.
Unfortunately the low fuel light isn't a bulb - it is an LED soldered onto the circuit board of the instrument panel.

You can test the operation of the low fuel light - I posted a description of how to do that on this link:

With the '06's there is a definite possibility that your in-tank fuel pump electrical wires are wearing away as shown in the last photo in the thread above ( posted by vance580) but this will usually show-up as the low-fuel light coming on when it shouldn't.