Noisy Ulysses...really noisy...

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Gunny al

New member
Aug 15, 2012
Hello, I've got an 05' Ulysses, its only done 2605 miles and has now developed a proper rattle/not very good sound from the low part of the engine. Before I start stripping, does anyone know or have any ideas of what it may be or has experienced this before?
First off welcome to the forum.

As far as what you are describing it will be hard to diagnose with only that. If you can answer the following questions others might be able to help with greater success.

1. Where exactly is the "noise" coming from? You say low part, but where exactly.
2. When did the noise begin to be present?
3. What were you doing when the noise started? I.e. bike idling or aggressive riding.
4. What are some of the latest mods you have done on the bike?
5. Are you the original owner?
6. Have you checked all of your fluids? (including blinker)
7. What is your mechanical experience?

IMO I would start with this before you start tearing your beloved Buell apart. Again welcome to the forum.[cool]
Hello, cheers for the reply....
The noise sounds like its either from the in the timing case or the gear box...
The noise just started, not a slow thing, one day it was quiet (for a buell) and the next day it was not a happy bunny. Speed limit where i live is 35mph, so hooning is far and few between.
I only ride it rarely and it lives inside, im not a dry weather biker but the new stanchion's, springs and seals cost me alot at the local dealer so it doesnt see the rain anymore.
Im the only owner.
Ive checked all the levels and there fine.
The only mods its got is a KnN filter and a GPR Pipe.
I personally have basic mechanical skills but have some bike mechanic mates who help.
The first thing im going to do is drop the oil filter to see if there is any FOD..
Thats about it really, hope this helps.