Just flipped over to see what is in the news today. More IDIOTS with guns. THE GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM! IDIOTS ARE THE PROBLEM!
As a Veteran I GET TO HAVE A SAY! I am one of the "WE THE PEOPLE". The STATISTICS (you don't want me to believe or practice Christianity, "Science says __" fill in the blank.I'm not a rocket scientist, but I have spent the greater part of my life making a living off of science. I think I've done pretty good for an ol' one eyed JARHEAD. A TAX PAYING everyday guy. I've made enough money to successfully raise six kids, 35 dogs, a Porsche or two. ;-), getting ready to marry (again, so I am spending money all around my local economy and PAYING TAXES). Although... I am not making as much money as all of you, FROM THE F*CKING TAXES.
While your making money and raising your families enjoying life, you IDIOTS have went and stirred up a hornets nest in the Middle East. Now YOU want to take MY GUNS because of all the IDIOTS disrespect for someone else's life that has exists. Sorry, but in my opinion (AND THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE ****ING COUNTRY). The idea that you will make it a safer place for my family is absolutely hilarious. Here is the problem. The result of your Middle East gaffes, is that they are already here. The have been here for a while now. Problem is (NEWS FLASH), they don't like us. Not all Muslims are terrorists, BUT A WHOLE ****ING LOT OF TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIM. I'm sorry, you call them immigrants. Not all immigrants are criminals, BUT A WHOLE F#CKING LOT OF CRIMINALS ARE IMMIGRANTS.
Most of our gun laws have great intention but are not working WHEN YOU CAN F#CKING PLEA BARGAIN OUT OF THE CHARGES. LAWS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, The Justice system can not handle all the stupid sh*t that is spending a lot of F*CKING TAXES, AND NOT GETTING THE JOB DONE.
When the world around me becomes a safer place to live, we can sit down and talk about guns.
Sgt. John Lynch
USMC 79'-85'
All around nice guy but a total dick, WHEN YOU PISS HIM THE **** OFF WITH YOUR STUPID ****.
As a Veteran I GET TO HAVE A SAY! I am one of the "WE THE PEOPLE". The STATISTICS (you don't want me to believe or practice Christianity, "Science says __" fill in the blank.I'm not a rocket scientist, but I have spent the greater part of my life making a living off of science. I think I've done pretty good for an ol' one eyed JARHEAD. A TAX PAYING everyday guy. I've made enough money to successfully raise six kids, 35 dogs, a Porsche or two. ;-), getting ready to marry (again, so I am spending money all around my local economy and PAYING TAXES). Although... I am not making as much money as all of you, FROM THE F*CKING TAXES.
While your making money and raising your families enjoying life, you IDIOTS have went and stirred up a hornets nest in the Middle East. Now YOU want to take MY GUNS because of all the IDIOTS disrespect for someone else's life that has exists. Sorry, but in my opinion (AND THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE ****ING COUNTRY). The idea that you will make it a safer place for my family is absolutely hilarious. Here is the problem. The result of your Middle East gaffes, is that they are already here. The have been here for a while now. Problem is (NEWS FLASH), they don't like us. Not all Muslims are terrorists, BUT A WHOLE ****ING LOT OF TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIM. I'm sorry, you call them immigrants. Not all immigrants are criminals, BUT A WHOLE F#CKING LOT OF CRIMINALS ARE IMMIGRANTS.
Most of our gun laws have great intention but are not working WHEN YOU CAN F#CKING PLEA BARGAIN OUT OF THE CHARGES. LAWS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, The Justice system can not handle all the stupid sh*t that is spending a lot of F*CKING TAXES, AND NOT GETTING THE JOB DONE.
When the world around me becomes a safer place to live, we can sit down and talk about guns.
Sgt. John Lynch
USMC 79'-85'
All around nice guy but a total dick, WHEN YOU PISS HIM THE **** OFF WITH YOUR STUPID ****.