noob questions on performance

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i wouldent bother trying to mod a 9 to perform like a 12..wont happen and will lose dependability go for a 12
Thats not true a 9 could out perform a 12 when mods are done. By the time you spend the money on the 12 and mod it your going to spend more money than you would on adding performance parts on the 9, plus the 9 revs faster than the 12.
hey maybebuell, trust me, the 9 and 12 are about even. Yea you can mod the 12 more, but it will cost you alot more...
Looks like someone's thinking "maybenotabuellnow".

I think 9s have WAY more potential than 12s for the buck.

Oh and the number one reason to do the intake and remap mods to your bike regardless of whether it's a 9 or a 12..... IT FIXES THE A/F RATIO SO IT'S NOT RUNNING LEAN FROM THE FACTORY!!
I have an 06 xb12ss and another guy I ride with has an 03xb 9sl, He has the race kit and tons of carbon fiber, with a chain conversion kit.

We raced a couple times and it was pretty much neck and neck until around 100mph and he passes me.

My bike is completely stock and I am heavier than him. my bike is also the long version which weighs more. When I get my bike xopti tuned and open airbox/exhaust I might just have to ride up there and race again :)

Dont underestimate the 9's !

We can change our 12's quite a bit for more grunt with this

xb9 primary chain conversion kit (11% reduction)

I hear its pretty easy to lift the front tire with this lol.

EDIT: Forgot to add that we can also raise the rev limiter on the 12's too :) Not sure how safe it is but i know its possible
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hey maybebuell, trust me, the 9 and 12 are about even. Yea you can mod the 12 more, but it will cost you alot more...

both even that dont sound to good....12 has to be stronger somewhere ..rollon on the highway, city. low end power ? ...dont burst my bubble
both even that dont sound to good....12 has to be stronger somewhere ..rollon on the highway, city. low end power ? ...dont burst my bubble

Looks to me like the 9 has the better power to weight ratio stock...[down]

9SX 12S 12Ss
92 hp 103 hp 103 hp
70 ft. lbs. 84 ft. lbs. 84 ft. lbs.
390 lbs dry 395 lbs dry 400 lbs dry
0.2358 hp/lb 0.2608 hp/lb 0.2575 hp/lb

12s - 10% greater hp/lb than 9sx

The 04/05 CBR 600rr and 1000rr have around a 15% difference in hp/lb

Yea, it's not a huge difference, but not nearly the same. I also know the bikes don't make those exact power figures, weigh more, as well as other variables in being fast or quickness such as gearing, oil, rider weight, rider ability, etc etc... There's a saying, "there's no replacement for displacement" and it holds true. (this coming from a guy that's big into to turbo 4 cylinders making 400 - 800 hp)

Bottom line, an 11% greater power difference and only 1% greater weight difference for the 12 does not make the 9 and 12 equal. If they were the same, Buell would quit or never have started making the 12....
On a rollon a 12 will pull a 9 , a 9 will acc faster off the line and beat out a 12 on top speed , they both are sick in my opinion it depends on what you want one is no better than the other only in certain situations will one be better than the other if your a heavier guy i would go with the 12. Either way deff get a Buell.
and to sum everything up...

- it's all about the fun
- spend what you want to spend
- don't break your wallet, enjoy a mod one step at a time and you'll never get bored by the bike
- modding is not just numbers but also how your bike feels, reacts, etc.
- don't compare a 9 with a 12, cause except for the general look, they both have their own characteristics.
- every gain is a % gain, so the more hp/torque you have, the more gain you'll have with the same type of mod

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