Not Charging????

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Mar 26, 2009
so i changed my voltage regulator on my xb12r and it still is losing a charge and i cant figure out what could be the cause of it. can anyone email what i need to do to check and find the problem to fix this?

[email protected]
So you're only losing voltage during a ride?

I mean; after charging it to full, pulling off the charger, and not riding it - give it a day and see if the battery loses it's charge. If it does, you've got a short - not a voltage reg. problem.

Just wasn't sure if you'd checked for shorts yet.
One thing to check and it took me a while to figure out is what kind of charger your using and if it really is charging when you connect it. what I found out was my inline fuses where blown on my bike so the charger wouldnt work. I had to replace them then it charged rite up. But I read the charger instructions to figure if it was my charger or the bike.
yea once its fully charged it will slowly drain the battery. i did replace the voltage regulator fo that was what i was told needed to be replaced but it still has the same problem.
yea once its fully charged it will slowly drain the battery.
If it's just sitting and slowly losing a charge, it's got a short somewhere.

Here's a great way to troubleshoot for shorts and narrowing it down to an "area".

- Pull the negative terminal cable off of the battery.
- Set a multimeter to mA.
- Attach the neg. cable to one lead and touch the neg. terminal on the battery itself.
- If it reads 0, you don't have a short.
- If it's anything but 0 then you have a short somewhere. Now start pulling fuses from the block one at a time until the needle or reading, drops to 0. That'll narrow it down.
so i tried that out and it still read zero. i charged the battery fully on a slow charge and when i went to start it today on a full battery it acted as though it had no power and then proceeded to click like there wasnt enough voltage. could my battery be no good even tho it reads 12.9 and after i tried starting it and was going from 12.2 and building its charge back up? i dont understand how everyday its something different. from the first day it just lost power like i had a weak connection on the battery, to starting but losing a charge while running, and now with a full battery it wont start. idk what to do but i dont wanna spend a ass load of money bringing it to harley to get fixed.
Trace your grounds from your battery out to the frame and such. Pull them off and sand them down real good. They tend to vibrate loose after time.

And might as well pull the battery and have it checked under load at an auto parts store while you're at it to make sure it's up to par.
checked the grounds and were tight. checked the battery seemed ok but put a brand new one in and it starts strong but as it runs it slowly loses the voltage. is there a way i can check the stator? cuz thats the alternator right?
seems like that is the last alternative. downer is if it is the stator i gotta take apart the whole primary again and i just did that like 5 mths back when i replaced the cracked primary cover i had.
the problem i had on my xb9r was the plug at the stator i had to zip tie it shut and it charged no problem after that it was a little loose in the connection did you ever check the charge output for the stator to the regulator? or the out put from the regulaator?
sounds like you and I are in the same boat I would absolutely despise having to remove the primary cover again to fix a charging issue