Hello, All,
I generally agree that the situation on the roads has deteriorated for us bikers. However, it seems much worse on the East Coast. Out here in the West ( excluding the big Urbans) riding is pretty decent. Lots less traffic and a lot more space I suppose.
I think, too, that there is a higher level of awake drivers( make of that what you want). One coping strategy that I have evolved to is that I just use the Uly on the public roads these days. It helps keep the speeds more "normal" ( although Cooter would not agree) rather then bombing around on the EBR. Sorry to sound old but I am enjoying the scenery more rather then burning up the twisties--definitely losing the top 10% ups the odds considerably.
On gear--After riding for years with an oddball mish mash of gear I invested in the one piece Road Master from Aerostitch.
Guess what, it is totally waterproof so far, offers awesome protection and is warm. In hot weather I just wear shorts under and it is not too bad. Only problem is too many pockets and I get mixed up but I am working on that.
So -- the responsibility thread--back off a notch or two and wear the best gear you can afford--and oh yeah, stay in the West.