November 2010 Video Winner is............................

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May 19, 2007
Well talked it over with Jermey we were both very happy with the turn out for the Video Giveaway, great videos. This means there will be more to come in the future [up]

Still working out the details but each person who entered will be getting something, initially it was going to be a BuellXB T-shirt but we have something else in mind so those who don't win just stand by as you have something heading your way:D

But the winner we picked and felt anyone who really stepped back and looked at each individual video would agree had to be

Driftingswiftly, the video was just killer. The amount of work put into the video was amazing and I can honestly say the video was and will be fun to watch over and over [up] Congratulations, and I hope you have a list made up;), PM on it's way.

Was a pleasure to watch, as well as you're other Youtube's - nice job Drifting and congrats. [up]
Sweet deal. Thanks a ton guys! I had a blast making the video, and really appreciated everyone else's videos also. Not tryin to play favorites here, but loki you has one amazing shot in your video, i think it was around 2:25 if i remember correctly (off the top of my head). anyway it was a sick reflection shot and i got so excited when i was it a peed my pants a little. Also great job on the how-to's guys, very informative.

Ok, so some people have been sending me messages and seuff asking me questions about my video and how i did different things editing, or got certain shots....anyway, feel free to ask here too. I would be happy to answer questions and share with everyone.

Just to get a few common ones out of the way:
1) yes, both bikes at 4:41 are me.
2) yes, I covered up the harley half of the harley/buell sign with a 12:03 clock
3) I got a lot of the low angle shots with the axel slider mount I made. I think there are a few parts in the video you can see it. 4:36 is one.

Ok, well thanks everyone and thanks to the xtremelow and buellxb for running the giveaway! Ride hard only die once, make it count.
now i think im gonna go share it with a few other buell forums...get the name out there. Hopefully only the respectable members will become converts :D Gotta keep up the good rep this forum has earned!
Have fun with your new gear! I wish i was able to have had the time and exp on how to edit well as you. Your video is fantastic, ive even watched it many times. Sadly tho, it took me a bit before i realized what the 1203 was about.

Thanks for the comment! I tried to make the best with what i had, theres potential i think. So what editing software did you use, the video camera, and how much exp/ ease of use is your software?
xtremelow, you got a link to that? haha i wanna check it out!

I shot this video with a samsung hmx-h100. camera

I edited this one in Sony Vegas. Its only the third video ive edited in Vegas, so I have TONS of room for growth.

I pirate all my it was free.

My verdict on Sony Vegas...GET IT! I have several of the common big editing platforms and it is without doubt the most intuitive and very powerful. Much better than Adobe Premiere. I even used Vegas (in conjunction with Audacity) to blend the music and mix sound effects.
congrats driftingswiftly,
that video rocked. i would definitely say it is in top 10 of the Buell videos at least for me ,
..the time lapse was awesome and shots from below and roof tops unique thinking, so we seen the teaser when does the movie come out.

can i make a suggestion on the next video contest,
Buell and commercials only,
or since its three videos have them make a commercial, how-to or Erik Buell tribute(with shots of new or old buell or EBR races n bikes or something along those lines) and then something of their choice buell related.

when or who is going to have a tuber Buell in a video for a contest . or better yet both tuber & XB buells.
Congrats it was hard to even enter seeing how awsome yours was.
I enjoyed playing with the editor and it is getting easier.
loved the opening shots... a lot of great film work. I am going through the Media Arts program at my school now, maybe by next time I will have enough editing experience to compete!
Congrats man!
You've inspired me and I think I'll be asking for a GoPro for Christmas.. Waiting in suspense for a PM from you xtreme.
Native, I would love to make a movie! Help me get picked up by someone with money and there is a percentage in it for you haha.

VT2MA, GoPros are pretty sweet, but they are also limiting. I'm not bashing them at all, but I would recommend getting a proper video camera. One for the same price will give you much petter picture, smoothness and color. Not to mention they have good optical zoom, optical image stabilization, can be fitted with lenses and filters, and will have various features that you WILL come in handy (adjustable shutter time, adjustable aperture, time lapse settings...the list varies with the camera).
I agree...driftingswiftly set the bar VERY high to start if off. I was close to not entering since I finally got time to install my pipe on the last day. I didn't think I was going to make it for a while since the production processing and upload to youtube was taking forever!

Good times & great video's everyone!
congrats! i want/need some affordable software for editing! i have a nice HD camera and no way of puting it on my computer!!!! if anyone has suggestions on what they use let me know