Novus Plastic Polish?

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Mar 30, 2009
I'm in the US (western New York state) and I'm trying to find Novus plastic polish on the shelf locally. Anyone have any insight on a chain that carries it?
I don't know if there any out there but TAP plastics carries it around here (West coast). I know they have an online store. Also I belive that most Buell dealers should have it on the shelf. I think that there is even a Harley part number in the manual.
Tech, I tried novus on my bike and it totally ruined the finish on my plastic. I read the back to see the instructiongs, followed them exactly and it came out sooO crappy. You might want to second guess those novus products. Just my opinion though.
^^^^ you must be doing something wrong. I've always been surprised with how well it turns out. It does take a long time. I would spend 3x longer than you think you need to spend on each spot. Seriously. Make sure your polishing with a VERY CLEAN cloth, and finish with a micro fiber polishing towel or pad. You'll get it, just be patient.

Here is a link to buy it online.
I got a 3 Pack (Novus Fine, Course, and Polish Spray - 8oz. bottles) off Ebay for a little over $20 shipped.
Dave not to insult you but I used to detail for a Lexus dealer here in my home town so I know how to get stuff to shine. This stuff must just not like me :)
I just used the stuff yesterday. Used fine scratch remover then the spray and shine stuff and it looks awesome :) Don't know what happened to 5.0 but worked great for me.
Used fine scratch remover then the spray and shine stuff and it looks a
Same here. It's the best I've seen my transluscents look since I've owned it.

I did try the coarse in a small spot, and immediately switched to the fine, it looked too rough to me. Wonder if that's what quick50 was using? I've only heard raves about Novus and I'm now one of them.
I have used it on my 09 Ss from new (cherry bomb translucent )and found out after trial and error that it is actually a polish and needed time to dry on the surface before removing/buffing. The novus1 is all thats required unless you have deep scratches. Swirl marks still show up under certain light but it is impossible to remove these.Use a soft cloth for applying and a softer one for buffing to a great lustre.I think its great stuff.
Thanks everyone, I ordered the 8oz kit from ebay for just over $20. I'll definitely work in a low-key area first till I get the hang of it.

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