Oct. 2011 Giveaway, XBDashboards!!!

Buellxb Forum

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All right I will write down the names and get the drawing done tomorrow, Buellchick will be busy with clinicals for her RN degree so I will be solo once again.

Good luck and remember 3 winners this month. First name picks first, second next, and third pick gets the last plate. [up]
Guys i ask that you read please :p
What you need to do is post a response on the thread simply stating entry #1, #2, or #3. You will be able to post one entry per day Oct. 2nd and 3rd giving each person 2 chances. So yes it begins now.

2 chances this month.

BTW X if you havent made all the tickets yet please remove my name. I just realized that the dashs have the star for the night view. I dont swing that way :p