The best laid plans will always unravel- Murphy
I planned on having a proper garage by the time I was ready to do this. I planned on having help (one of my sons) when I was ready to do this. I was planning on taking pictures as I went for a sprag clutch thread. Oh well. Right now all my stuff is in storage and I am in a temporary living arrangement while I sort out what I am going to do for the rest of my life. Sooo, I am trying to do the sprag clutch replacement while the bike is still in the storage unit. I can't take it anymore. If I don't get it running soon I will go out of my mind and start throttling the people around me. I got as far as tearing down to the rotor tonight before it got dark. I can't find my 3/8" breaker bar so I can remove the bolts that hold the rotor to the sprag housing before I pull the rotor. I will not have time to get back to this until next Friday. Hopefully I don't choke someone before then. My Buell is the best therapy I know for stupid people syndrome.
I planned on having a proper garage by the time I was ready to do this. I planned on having help (one of my sons) when I was ready to do this. I was planning on taking pictures as I went for a sprag clutch thread. Oh well. Right now all my stuff is in storage and I am in a temporary living arrangement while I sort out what I am going to do for the rest of my life. Sooo, I am trying to do the sprag clutch replacement while the bike is still in the storage unit. I can't take it anymore. If I don't get it running soon I will go out of my mind and start throttling the people around me. I got as far as tearing down to the rotor tonight before it got dark. I can't find my 3/8" breaker bar so I can remove the bolts that hold the rotor to the sprag housing before I pull the rotor. I will not have time to get back to this until next Friday. Hopefully I don't choke someone before then. My Buell is the best therapy I know for stupid people syndrome.