OK So the last day to submit pictures is going to be this sunday the 21nd! Get your pictures in!
Got a update on pricing for everyone. The price isnt fully decided yet but no matter what it seems like they wont go over 20$ SHIPPED! Could be as lower also. Maybe as low as 15$ shipped. Depends on how many we print also.
Everyone is asked to pre-order there calendar. 60 were sold last year and more were wanted. I can order up to 26-99 and a set price and 101 would set the cost cheaper.
Pre-orders are not open JUST yet but will open when we get the photos chosen. Payments will be asked to be done by Paypal but if someone wanted to mail in a check or money order that is ok also. I want everyone to have a equal chance to get a calendar.
There is NO cap on how many you order. If you order many there is a strong chance you would get some sort of discount also.
Shipping will be done by USPS Priority Envelopes and is included in the price. If you live in a area were USPS will not deliver you will have to pay the difference for mailing costs. But I will still get the calendar to you
Voting will occur in this thread once the deadline is reached. So please keep talking down. You will vote for the pictures you like the most. NOT WHAT MONTH YOU WANT THEM FOR. That will occur in another thread once the top pics are chosen. Voting for this will close
NOV 11 then the winners will be put in a new thread then everyone will vote for what month they should be in.
Month voting
Month voting will be shorter and will only be a week long. Meaning that you have until
Nov 17th to get your vote in. From there i will be bring the pictures to work to have them formatted and the printing will begin.
Finishing up
During the days of the 18th- the 30th I will be packaging and then shipping all the calendar to everyone who bought one. Meaning you should get you calendar during the first weeks of Dec.
Remember pre-orders are needed- I am a full time student who works part time plus I am a reservist and you guys know I broke my collar bone recently. I wont have the out of pocket money to spend on this. If we get 100 itll be over 1000$ to just make the calendars. Don't worry either, I am willing to even give my phone number and address to everyone so that you don't think im going to make a run for the hill after you pay like a few terrible no name ex members have done.
Any questions or concerns or ideas go ahead and PM me or ask here!