So, I was changing my oil in my 1125CR. Everything was going smoothly until I went to put the bolts back in. Oil Filter cap bolts, snug. Right side drain plug, snug. Left side (crankcase) drain plug, snug but something felt wrong. I set my torque wrench to the owners manual recommended torque setting and began to tighten (the crankcase plug). After a couple turns, I knew something was wrong. The bolt didn't feel like it was tightening...
Long story short, I stripped the crankcase threads for the drain plug. Luckily, I was able to back the bolt out. Unluckily, I am going to have to take it to the dealer...I fear they are going to need to install a new crankcase cover.
Long story short, I stripped the crankcase threads for the drain plug. Luckily, I was able to back the bolt out. Unluckily, I am going to have to take it to the dealer...I fear they are going to need to install a new crankcase cover.