I havent ran PureOnes on my Buell but because of experiences with them on my car I will never buy another one for any vehicke I own. I did an oil change and tightened up the new PureOne filter I had. Started it up and no leaks at the moment. A few days later I was leaking oil around the filter and upon inspection I found out that the filter had ran out of thread before the gasket was fully seated so it was like the filter was made wrong. I ended up getting another one and it did the same thing. I now no longer run there filters. I run a Bosch on the Buell and Wix on my car. So if you do run that on your Buell make sure you check it and make sure you arent seeping oil from it.
I run RB, its has done a great job for me and no trouble at all. 20w50 AMSoil is great too, not a huge difference in price, just depends on what you want to search for when your out of town and a qt low...