oil filter part number?

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
Could someone hook me up with the part number for an 04 Lightning 12s oil filter? I want to see if my local Harley dealer can get it, even though they aren't a Buell dealer.
^ what he said.
I found several of those part numbers stocked at my local auto parts store. I chose the Mobil M1-103 because it was black, a lot of the others are white.
The hardest part is getting them on and off. This is why I "ONLY" use the K&N Oil Filter.

It has something to grip onto at the bottom of the oil filter unlike most of the aftermarket oil filters.
Now there you have it. Thank you for that. I had just given up and poked a hole in my old oil filter and turned the filter that way [confused]