Oil leaking from primary chain tensioner

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2007
I had my primary all apart this past winter to replace the shift shaft, shift shaft seal, and primary chain tension adjuster. Since then, I have had oil leaking out of my primary at the primary chain tension adjuster. It's not large quantities, but a drop or two a day, enough to make me mad. Do I just need to torque that nut a little tighter? I didn't see any seals or gaskets there in the primary cover when I had it off, and don't see any in the parts breakout either.
Unfortunately you can't put a torque wrench on it because you have to keep the center shaft from spinning while torquing the nut.Maybe now is a good time to buy a heavy hanging scale?
I guess I may as well update this thread with my solution. I ended up picking up a set of "Crowsfoot wrenches" (google it) from the local auto parts place. They made it possible to use my torque wrench to apply the correct torque to the nut, and it hasn't leaked a drop since. I guess I was just being too gentle with it before.
Gentle is always a good way to go with aluminum threads, glad it wasn't more of an issue, I never trust the torque specs when dealing with aluminum, nice tip too, about the crows foot, but it does throw off the torque values
Yep, it increases the lever arm by an inch or so. I just made sure to set my torque wrench to the bottom of the spec'd torque range.
I think the torque should be the same if you use the crowfoot at a right angle when you're using a clicker. rather than straight ahead.