On going engine issues

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LOL I sure don't have that kind of equipment, let along the confidence to get that much flame around my girl.

My dealer's service group has this link and the bad web link, so hopefully they are gleaning useful clues/methods from all of your suggestions and are trying some.

i had pinging, running on one cyl., specially after the bike warmed up or on accel.
dealer could not figure it out so i diagnosed it myself.

THE FRONT INJECTOR WAS CLOGGED! the rear was slightly clogged. i removed the injectors and found debris inside the inlet side just before the screen.
cleaned it out with brake clean and a little of compressed air. everything has been good so far.
I am having this EXACT same problem and I don't know what else I can do. I have already changed the spark plugs, spark plug cables, battery, done a TPS reset with ECMSPY, and changed the ignition coil. Please post what they did to fix your bike. I have read through every forum post on this subject and feel like throwing in the towel. Is there anything else I can try guys?
i had the same thing happen to me, about 6 or 7 months ago,when i took my bike apart. ok on the throttle body on the right side of it ( if you are sitting on the bike) below the air intake there is a 90 degree fitting (as racepro said) a vaccum fitting i forgot to plug it up when i put my bike back together. if you want a pic of where it is let me know and ill tare my airbox apart.
Well, she's in the shop now (about 4 days) so hopefully they've found something on the bike or through your posts (gave them the link).
The last thing I have tried was a new ignition coil and the tps reset. Today I try starting it and smoke starts coming up from the airbox. I stop and remove the airbox but I don't see anything fried and it looks like it may be coming from the inlet tube from the engine. Anyone have any ideas?
Just syphoned most of the gas from the fuel tank and the put in some HEET to burn any moisture. I then put in some fresh gas and the problem still exists. Did they fix yours Buellfiend?
Well, mine is fixed. Looks like I wasn't doing the TPS reset properly. The dealer did a TPS zero and reset and the bike is running perfectly. Does anyone know if there are instruction online on how to zero the TPS? That is probably where my problem was.

Still riding the CR.

The dealer has ordered a fuel line, and I have my fingers x'd that they are right, but it just doesn't seem like it will fix the problem.

Still, I'll give it a shot. IF it doesn't work, I'm moving my biz down to the other Austin area dealer - most of the local Hellbuellies swear by this dealer.
Hope that fixes it Fiend. In the meantime, how 'bout a little review of likes/dislikes between you're XB12S and the CR.
If it can help with what I said before I got my bike out since Monday and so far it runs very good with the new ECM, I forgot to mention before that they did chance a fuel line too that was a bit loose and wasn't supposed too so I don't think it was the problem but who knows I'm very happy that the problem seem to be fixed for now.
Update: So I got the bike back again, started it before I even went into the shop, and it was running like before, but just a little.

Within 2 hours, it was almost back to the same crap, and within 12, completely crappy.

They changed the fuel lines.

I've given up on this dealer (4-5 tries is enough) and am trying to get in contact with Buell tech support. Anyone know a person in Buell?
Nope, not yet. I think they are looking at the turn signals as the source of the problem (non-factory) ;)

Bike died on me in the middle of rolling onto the road from a stop on a steep embankment; so now in addition to a crappy motor I've got lots of scratches.
change out the ecm...try with someone else or a showroom model, or whatever a dealer can do.

i know the benelux buell manager, but that will not do you any good...:eek:
I have an update on the4 ECM replacement on my bike, it is running better but still not 100% like it should so the ECM is not a magic fix, the bike seem to take for ever to warm up I'm talking more then 5 mins+ sitting there before going for the ride and even sometimes it will bug a bit in the first cpl min of the ride. Also when not warmed up completely the rpm will fluctuate alot at idle. Like I said it's not perfect but I can ride and have fun so alot better then last summer :)
Check the vent tube coming off of the top of the tank. May be vapor locking. Pull it off at the tank and blow air through it to make sure it is not clogged up. It sounds like a fuel issue for sure. One other thing you could do is pull the gas cap off before starting it up to see if that helps. If this doesnt help I would lean towards a fuel pump or something with the injectors. Keep us updated.
hi - i found the ecm pin box(exs) - they are under the seat on my TT.

from what I can tell there are two sets of ports, each numbered 1-12.

when "jumping" them per the poor man's ecm spy method, do you jump 1 and 2 right next to each other (on the same port) or do you jump 1 and 2 in each seperate port?
