Opinions please ?

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Well-known member
May 2, 2016
Central Soviet state of new jersey.
I have a special ops muffler and a K&N air filter, which bike do you suggest I install them on, the 08 ully or, the 07 SS ? They'll both eventually have an after market muffler and possibly K&N but, for right now I only have one set up ??????

I know, choices, choices.
Yes, I was leaning towards the SS myself but I wanted opinions and now I have them, I'm waiting for the AZ man to make some Bluetooth dongles, than I'll get the map and install. I could also ask my neighbor to make me a hard wire hook just to get started while I'm waiting, couldn't hurt to have a back up.

The SS has very low mileage ( 640 miles ) do you think I can reuse the muffler clamps, everything is in perfect condition, no rust or oxidation on anything ?
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As for exhaust... that ss I had got soooooooo many looks with a nice pipe and almost no one looks twice at the uly even though it's louder? (Maybe I'm riding to fast). I think a loud pipe on a lightning makes a sexy bike even more so! So pipe that puppy!

I don't see any reason you couldn't/ shouldn't re use your clamps btw

This is the bike when I received it from Texas, though not very clear, you can see the saw dust all over the bike.

By the way, I don't get that same lead you show on your computer to post up the pictures, but I finally figured it out from the similarities of what you posted, so thanks !
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Not a very good picture, but this is the SS after it wash washed and cleaned up a bit, also it is with the seat I bought from Cooter. I'll take better pictures tomorrow and post up.





Almost forgot, there is now 678 miles on the Idaho potato!
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NJ, as you know I have an SS and a Uly. The SS is for terrorization during 1 day rides and deserves a loud exhaust. The Uly is for longer trips and in my opinion could use a softer exhaust due to the numerous hours in the saddle. I'd love to have a race muffler on mine.
I've always reused my clamps with no issues.
Look at this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ jl551c is on a cross country trip and took the time to post a response, now that's a true bueller !

Even though you guys aren't on the buells, I'm sure most would want to hear about the trip, after all you have ridden your buell CC more than once!

O.k. I'll put it on the SS. Only thing is, I have no way of doing a tps so I hope I won't need too.

Safe trip !
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I must get the comfort kit for this bike ! My friends might make some air scoops for it out of stainless, which might look pretty cool. I'll take the comfort kit off the ully so they have something to go by. It handles very different than the ully in my opinion, it actually seems to fall into the turns but holds them very well. The turning radius is really tight when moving slow and it seems to chug along when going slow. Everything works, including the fan, once it came on due to traffic it wouldn't shut off even when cruising along for awhile.

Bottom line is, I love it !