oregon sucksss

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
443$ to register, title, license, and riders course.... Let me just lube up so its easier for me.... So lame
that sucks. mine cost about 250 but im in tx and would gladly pay more and be in oregon.
Yeah it's expensive the initial registration. Rider coursre is a joke but it pays off? I took it in Portland in the pouring down rain.
God Bless Montucky where u don't have to pay motorcycle insurance and registration is cheap and we have PERMANENT plates.....
you got the "Golden Screw" on that, payed 530 bucks in taxes, title and license when I bought my 9s in '06, insurance was 75 bucks a month...registration last year was around 80 bucks and insurance 79 a month full coverage... in California:D
Being an old man pays off... I'm in Oregon and didn't have to take the riders course. Look at it as paying for the awesome roads we have to ride here. Still kinda spendy tho.
Our riders course in Victoria BC cost me $600, registration and insurance cost me a total of $99 per month!!! And that is with the best discount you can get.
Riders' Course IS a joke!  Felt like they were herding a bunch of cattle around cones

you may think that, but someday you'll be thankful for the skills you learned there, also helps getting a break on insurance with most companies despite your age and years of riding experience and type of motorcycle you have.
you may think that, but someday you'll be thankful for the skills you learned there, also helps getting a break on insurance with most companies despite your age and years of riding experience and type of motorcycle you have.

Honestly it didn't teach me anything. All the stuff they talked about I read either on a forum or on youtube. I understand it's needed for people that haven't read all of that. I only did one out of three days because I had my permit like 6 months before getting endorsed.

Now I'm not saying I know everything there is to know about motorcycling. Not even close. But they really need to up the intensity level in those classes. In my opinion.