So apparently when I put the frame back on a couple of weeks ago, I pinched or frayed a wire that goes to the starter circuit. I had ridden it a few times, then installed the steering damper a few days later. I guess it was a week ago Friday, I popped the main fuse about 1 mile from home and had to have the wife pick me up. Looks like it was at the subframe rail on the left side next to the ground screw. I found a couple of wires that were rubbed through, so taped them over and shifted the wire bundle more to the center. Starts up every time now, although I wonder about the starter reliability after extensive testing for the last 30 minutes of starting it and shutting it off again.
Anyway, back to riding again tomorrow, high is only going to be 80 here, so it's almost a day to just say screw it , not go to work at all and just ride.