Orlando Buell Meet

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/\ I don't even know what that icon is suppose to mean but looked like it might fit and I've never used it and wanted too :D
Let's meet at the empty asphalt lot at the corner of 50 and 33. It will save me a lot of time if I don't have to go all the way to sugarloaf, and you can ride you're favorite road on the way there :). Earlier the better for me, so you tell me what time you can be there.
I'm gonna take the turnpike to hwy 50 and then over to that intersection so it won't take me long to get there...
**** it say 8:30ish at 50/33. I'll be there. If you need anything email me, I get emails on my phone.
Dammit man I'm tired. Auto correction on your phone isn't always your friend I take it /\

I'm up and at em. Should be leaving real soon. 654 am
Did you get back already FlaX?

Was a good ride until the end lol. Even though I almost went down in a sandy corner then almost dropped my bike while sitting still :(
Just got back [sad]


Got back about an hour after I talked to you yesterday.

Bike has been on trickle charger since I got home and still not fully charged. That mofo was Super Dead. I'm trying to wait for it to fully charge so I can do some trouble shooting. If it doesn't charge soon I'm gonna pull it out and take it to my moms to put the battery on a real charger

Did some research and looks to either be the stator or regulator/rectifier . The second looks to be the cheaper of the two. Maybe even a bad ground or connection. Fingers crossed that it's something simple and cheap.

Man thank God we got that much riding in before Ibroke down. About 8 hours of the best roads in Florida. Can't wait to do it again. Ozello lived up to the hype for me then Gobber was a hell of a road too and it's on the way to Ozello. [up]
Well get her fixed up but looks like I'll be done for riding for a couple months(hopefully sooner than later). I looked at my tires when I got home and.....well....let's just say I'm not surprised I almost went down in that corner. They are SHOT. It will take me a little while to get it apart, powder coat the wheels, get new wheel bearings, new rear brake line, pads, and tires, and I'm thinking of powder coating the swingarm too since it has some gashes in it. Also thinking of pulling the fuel pump to clean it and the filter.

I may just take the time to do everything I want and not make the septemeber trip and go with ya'll in april to the dragon. Not that I wouldn't be back riding until april, but I may not be done by september.

It was a fun ride, glad you liked it and liked ozello. IMO ozello is ok but not worth the special trip. I thought gobbler was about 3 times as good(no traffic, no side roads, and just as twisty....and closer). Anyway, my father in law will be back in FL soon and he knows some other great roads. Hopefully we are both back to riding soon lol.

BTW if you could help me out with tires that'd be great :)

Wish I could help with your bike, I'm pretty good with this stuff but I'm an electrical retard...
Well FlaX I still haven't started on my bike lol. Go ahead and insert smart ass comment here:

You get yours fixed yet? I'm riding this sunday, haven't been on my bike basically since we rode last time. So hopefully this will actually be the last ride before I do the work. My tires are horrible but I just want to get out and ride. I want to go south though, sort of sick of the same roads, been on them for over a year now. They are great, just want to head a different direction.
Holy crap has it really been almost 2 months since we rode to ozello? Can't believe I let my bike sit that long...
Damn just seen this, Fantasy Football has been consuming the better part of my free time.

So did you ride?

I still haven't even ordered the voltage regulator for my bike yet. Hopefully I'll get around to it this week. I feel like this slacker I know Dammit Man .
lol yeah I rode. Lucky you missed it, I rode with a guy out of tampa, it literally rained the ENTIRE time haha. Not just a drizzle either, a full on rain. I don't really mind riding through rain, but damn after 5 hours enough is enough lol.

Was nice to meet him and check out some new roads just sucked because we had to go sooo slow, both of us have bad tires and the corners were a bit slippy :). Seriously though you know how when you approach a sign that says "30mph" you think "sweet I can go 60mph" well every time I approached a corner I was doing less than what the sign said lol. Didn't make for a very exciting, adrenaline filled ride, but fun(and interesting) none the less...
Ran into another Bueller today and told him about the forum so we may have another local member joining.


Oh also Sean I sent Amazze a text yesterday asking about his bike and it's still down. Said a fuel pressure issue.
Ok cool. I actually have been emailing a little with 2 other locals as well, found them on this forum and I guess they prefer email. There's a guy in Tampa I met(rode with last time) and also a guy out in crystal river I met on another forum. So we have quite a few people to ride with.
Hey guys !! I'm in miami and looking to ride with fellow buellers !
Send me a email, ill ride up.
I also have family in winter park ......
Look forward !
Ride safe !
Hey! My bike is out of service for 1-2 months but I'm down for a good ride after I'm up and running...

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