Orlando Buell Meet

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Hey I forgot to ask were you on 520 heading west on friday evening? I saw a red bolt going that way when I was traveling to melbourne.
When do you guys want to ride again? My wife is getting a new job starting July 1st that requires her to work saturdays so I'll probably be unable to ride sundays now as that will be our only day together. Saturdays should work for me though.
works for me, took out my bike and may last saturday, got some nice pics, and was a great ride, bike was running awsome.

when this crap weather finally breaks we will have to schedule something. BTW jerry is no longer with us, he sold his bike. shame, that was a really nice bike, and a very limited plastics he had.

Damn he didn't have it very long did he? I didn't even know you know him, thought he was Ryan's friend. Or maybe I'm confusing people and names LOL
not all that much, but he is, well was in my facebook thing and said he wasn't a bueller any more, my wife found out he lost his job, so I imagine he sold it to pay bills and what have ya.

My son is almost 3 weeks old, I think I'm ready for a morning ride one day soon.
And Jerry traded the buell for a sv1ks because he wanted to go faster, or something, I'm sure he'd still want to ride especially now that he will have a regular day job.

Fortunately the buell has him until the top of 3rd gear, then he leaves, goes to like 10k rpms and has 4th, 5th and some fancy thing called a 6th gear...
Congrats Ryan!!!

Tell us more. Healthy,big, etc....

If the road is twisty enough top end means nothing. It all depends on rider skill/balls. Unfortunately I'm lacking in the skills department but for what I lack in skills I make up for in balls/stupidity. So in short I bet I can beat his FASTER bike if I pick the road.

Just Sayin......

My Buell is definitely slow but has more than enough power for any STREET. I'm still looking for a faster bike but for track use only. Although it won't be a v-twin and probably only 600cc so....


I wanna ride too!!!!!!!
Congrats Ryan, hope you are getting some sleep :)

I'm tied up until the weekend of 7-20 but could ride then.
Most of july I should be good, in fact I think I will be getting 3 day weekends that month. And now that the suspension is sorted out I feel alot more confident with it. When I was riding with you guys the front was way to tight and going through the corners it was wanting to wander to the outside of the turn, now it just wants to dip deeper into it...soo much nicer :) . And may should be able to join us, and she can get some great pics of us while riding and stuff. Check out this short vid she made from a ride 2 weeks ago.

Buell ride

My son came June 5th, weighing in at 8lbs 3 oz, and 21" long. Made his mom endure 29 hours of labor and refused to come out without the suction cup thing. He wasn't breathing right at first so he was in the NICU for a day, but we didn't have tostay any longer in the hospital and everything is fine now. Unfortunately he looks exactly like his father did as an infant, so hopefully he grows out of it.
Me on the left, him on the right.


Also, I've only touched the bike to move it out of my way the last 2 weeks, and I'm itching to ride...
Congrats again bud!

My brother just text me he is having his baby tonight!

I can't ride this weekend but maybe next...
You guys want to plan another ride? FlaX mentioned 9/14 on another forum. That's a saturday.
I'm always up for a ride, my wife will be out of town that weekend so as long as I can find a babysitter I'm down. It's cool if my buddy comes on an sv1ks or an RC51 right?
I went out for a while this weekend with my father in law. I don't often take pictures, let alone good pictures, and so while I was waiting for him to meet me this was my lame attempt at a decent pic lol:


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