hey 818 here's the route I'm taking, you can take 46 to 500 to saddler to 448 to 19 then jump on my route behind us, or go another way if that's too long.
Jonny and Lance I think y'all should've took my way. When I turned off on 27 it was only 3 miles to 561. I think it was probably faster and more enjoyable.
Nice ride enjoyed it. Nice to meet some new faces and see some old ones again......
No that is 27. The turnpike on ramp is right there so thats why it has the signs but its 27 I think the only sign that says 27 is in the turn. It is pretty confusing if you don't know.
I did want to say great ride guys. [up] [up] [up] Next time I'll try to figure out how to meet up for the morning ride.
Secondly I wanted to let Ry know that yes my tail light wasn't set in all the way. Thanks for giving me **** about it (j/k). I took the time to take a look at it when I got home. Sitting flush now...