You are right, not really a good half way spot to meet, so starbucks is cool with me.
@ATF, I don't know if you wanna ride 2 hours to meet, but if you wanna go, take I4 to exit 94 go left and the starbucks is about a half mile down on the left.
We need to set a date for a FL ride for early next year . We should do the Ozello trail ride . Google says 2hrs 15mins from my house and roughly 1hr 30mins from tampa . It would definitley have to be an all day thing at least . If yall haven't looked in to it yet google ozello trail . A lot of info on it and even you tube videos . Everyone leave feed back and lets get this set in stone then when can promote it more and try to get as many Buells out as possible .[up]
@ Bull starbucks is good for me too . Then we could take markham woods out to 46 like we started the ride last week and just take 46 to mt plymoth instead of vearing off . Sound good ? What time ?
Not positive yet, but I may have to back out. There's a good possibility I will have to run down to Sarasota tomorrow morning. I'll let you know either way tomorrow.
I can do saturday it would actually be better for me won't miss football plus there's a big UFC fight saturday night (Jones vs Machida) [up] so might be a bit hung over sunday anyways . What time and where to meet ? Sugarloaf ride ?
Just watched the news and from what there saying now looks like it is going to be nice in the morning and not any showers till the afternoon and then only a chance of showers @ 20% and the say the best chance would be on the coast too . Looking positive I'll check back later and I'll also be staying posted with the weather/news .