Painting my Rims tomorrow

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Aug 21, 2011
Buying a paint gun was the worst idea I could have done. I think I'm going to change colors more than a women does clothes in a week, But tomorrow I am changing my rear tire and sick of looking at the dirty aluminum that wont clean up for the life of me. I bought some gloss black paing and Thinking I'm going to polish the outside lip of the rims with fine sand paper, and some badass polish and use my air polisher to get a mirror finish, But thought i'd get some second opinions. This is the most recent pic I have of the bike, But The red rearsets will be black by next week. I thought the red would do good offset but its now becomming an eye sore to me. What do yall think about the rim idea, or shoot it all black..


Should look good!

While you are at it paint those rear foot peg mounts and the heel guards on the passenger mounts. They are both eyesores and very distacting. My .02
polished lip and bliack centre is nice.

my bikes with black centre


and frame grey centre.



a good hint, is ppc glisten coat the rims after done polishing and painting. i have this and it means no maintainence. no dulling. just wash and clean like rest of bike. much better than spending hours polishing all the time.


Done! Now time for the front,

I'm thinking painting tje red rearsets this same gloss black because the paint is hardcore strong and I will last way longer than matte black..thoughts?
Acrylic enamel, single stage, just gloss black, and a finishing gravity feed spray gun from tractor supply for 60$. I used about 8 oz of paint (as much as the gun holds)in 2 coats, one at 7 am and then a second one around noon during lunch on the taikgait of my truck.
Oh and i used 1500 wet sand paper to clean the edge, then mothers mag polish, with a foam pad on my pnumatic buffer/sander
Thanks buelly, and thanks for all the painting advice you share, I wish i had a spare one too, cuz I hate taking this one apart and having to drive the truck. But I'm collecting wrecked plastics to play with and ill then be able to change colors on a daily basis!!!! I shoukd have never bought a paint gun.:D

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