Looks like the conversion looks great, glad you got it done:eagerness:
I noticed a couple things in the pictures you'll want to check. The brake line still looks much too short. Unload the front suspension and still should have quite a bit of a bend in it. If it's 'almost long enough' and trying to be almost straight with the suspension extended, the obviously aftermarket line will have problems... soon
Personally I unload the front, and make sure the center of the banjo is at least 75mm longer than the inlet hole of the caliper at a
minimum. That way the line isn't flexing a lot with suspension movement.
Also, I have used that exact off-shore brake fluid reservoir on a couple projects.Sure, it's cheap and looks nice, BUT twice now I have had weird brake issues that were solved by changing it. It would bleed OK but wouldn't pull fluid into the master during normal use/brake pad wear and the lever would go soft. Twice, it was the little plastic 90* fitting on the bottom that would not flow fluid, even though it was open and not blocked!
You can mount it higher to use a straight fitting, or (to keep it lower and cleaner looking) change it to a little aluminum res (off-shore) with a straight fitting out of the side, not the bottom. You want it to flow downhill, even though it will siphon, an air bubble in the res line would stop it flowing if it's going uphill.
Looks are important, brakes are importanter