Passenger tips...

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2009
Just wondering what kind of advice anyone has for riding with a passenger. mainly looking for tips on turning, stopping, and dismount.
Not a bad idea! I had my ex on the back for about all of 10 seconds and decided i didn't like it. for me it was too much and not worth the danger of me being uncomfortable. Looking forward to the responses
Let the passenger mount only after you have both feet firmly on the ground and your bike in vertical position. How do I know? I fell down with my bike on a gravel parking lot when my 7 year old started to climb "on board" before I had given her a permission to do it...
my girl is an awesome passenger shell dip down in the twisties just like any other guy on his bike. She gets on the bike after me when I have both feet planted, and gets off first in the same way. Luckly she only weighs a lil over 100lbs so there isnt a huge diff, o yeah popN the bike up is much easier with 2 on, but coming back down is alot more rough on buells, my old rice bike I could feather it down nicely. yes, the breaking is much slower and excelleration is impacted as well. I dont get too crazy with somebody on anywho, I dont mind killing myself just couldnt live with killing another [smirk]
If you are height challenged she can mount / dismount with the bike on the side stand instead of your feet on the ground.
awesome responses guys!!! Keep em coming.

@twobuells: haha I just happen to be height challenged!!!! even on an SCG :( but I am comfy with just one foot on the ground. so I may have to practice the mount and dismount part first.
I tell my wife to look over the shoulder that i am turning in to. example turning right look over my right shoulder. Left left shoulder. It really just takes time for your passenger to get comfortable. When my wife first started as a passenger she was horrible and rested to much on me, now i forget that she is back there. Just take her out and ride easy. I think it also helps if she understands the basic physics of how a motor cycle operates. That way she understands what it takes to ride and operate the bike. Also make sure she wears all the same gear you do. One day my wife didn't want to wear her jacket (Arkansas summers are hot) I still made her wear it for her safty.
I hate riding 2 up! Get your girl a bike of her own! Like a blast to start with (or that new cbr250! I wana hear how it is from sombody besides a magazine) shed probably have more fun that way! And you would to!!!
Joser -
Definitely adjust the suspension, or you'll be see how light the front is when accelerating, and how much it dives when you stop. I've gotten away with just adjusting the pre-load on the rear for spontaneous rides, but if you have time, do it all.

Like someone already said, make sure the passenger knows to lean with you, and practice a few turns before getting into traffic. My wife got freaked out on one turn and leaned the opposite direction and we barely made the turn. Lucky it was just in out neighborhood! Passengers can get target fixation too!

Passenger can reach around and brace on the air box when stopping to help transfer their weight.

Also, make sure they hold their own weight up or it will be getting transferred straight to your wrists if they are leaning on you.

smooth braking and consistent shift points will help them predict the changes in acceleration.
I took my passenger pegs & brackets OFF so I wouldn't have to worry about having to ride 2 up, I just dont care for it, not as much fun, but may put them back on if I need to but doubt it, I have a fun fast SVT Cobra if I need to carry any passengers anywhere. But thats just me.
Adjust your rear pre-load first off. Set rules. I instruct my passenger to wait until I put my left hand out to grab while mounting or dismounting. Lean with me and no quick movements. But mostly I hide my rear footpegs in the garage and keep the cover on the rear seat and say it's a one person vehicle.
my wife is taking the rider course this spring so she can be more comfortable on the bike. if it's your wife or gf i would have them take the course. once they understand how a bike handles they will become a better passenger.

when all else fails get the t-shirt that says "if you can read this the bitch fell off"
