Penelec Dude decided to run me over! I need a few things

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backing into you could be forgiven, if he were to then do the right thing. but what really gets my blood boiling is that he didn't.
instead he tried do get away with it by throwing some dollar bills at your feet and then peeling away. you don't have his info, but the cops and phone call to his company will get it.

is the company gonna bluff it and say that you're lying and ignore the damage/repair costs to the bumper? or are they gonna let this d-bag take teh fall for it and get rid of a ****** employee in one fell swoop? looks like they can get 2-birds with one stone.
(if he is a ****** employee) so don't feel bad about calling him in.
for example; i work for a nuculear utility. in feb we had 6 vehicle accidents. most of them were minor bumper-touches when backing up. some of the guys who were driving are no longer employed. but the guys who were'nt d-bags and didn't lie about what happened are still getting paid.

don't let this d-bag slip under the wire. AND GET YOUR TRANSLUCENT PLASTICS REPLACED !!!!

you had one set of maybe 2000. now there's only 1999 left. next week when this d-bag strikes again there will be 1998.
seriously, those things are gonna cost you way more $ than this guy could have paid you.

in closing:
keep at it! and get your insurance company involved. if the company doesn't pay them for the repairs, they are gonna be stuck with the bill. the worst you will be out is your deductible, but you should get that right back once the phone call is made to his company.
Well i just saw the guy in town that hit me, got his license plate for his personal vehicle and contacted the company. they are going to get back to me on monday.

we'll see what happens.

Well i just saw the guy in town that hit me, got his license plate for his personal vehicle and contacted the company. they are going to get back to me on monday.
Well i just saw the guy in town that hit me, got his license plate for his personal vehicle and contacted the company. they are going to get back to me on monday.

we'll see what happens.

You sound like a spinless retard since you actually let this happen. Can't wait to hear the outcome.
Wow baja way to be positive. [confused]. Mogloi84.......... Hope things work out I'm your favor.
you sound like a presumptuous jerk-off, baja.
sometimes, people make bad decions. simple as that.
and furthermore;
have you ever been in a serious MVA? how about on your bike?
i'm not proud to admit that i have been in several both car and bike, and i can tell you -first hand- that you are sooooo far away from 'clear-headed' for at least an hour after.

this one time a kid, and by kid i mean a 15 year old with a learners permit turned right in front of me on his red light at an intersection and i plowed into him despite my braking efforts.
i followed him to his house, he apologized and explained him self. seeing that my truck was still driveable sans 1 headlight; i tried to be a nice guy by letting him pay out of pocket, and not call the cops on him like i should have. but when his father got home the next morning, i got a phone call from my insurance company asking about a MVA that had been called in earlier on me.

am i a spineless retard too, since i actually let that happen?
Your accident was a completely different situation. You were helping the KID out.

Now in this guys story he was afraid of the employee arguing the riders position relative to his work truck..blah blah blah and takes the money (which has yet to be announced despite a few here inquiring about it) and leaves the scene, then goes home and asks people on a forum....come on, common sense would be to exchange insurance info and/or call the police for a report. Pretty simple.

No I have not been in a serious accident besides going down on my bike once. Been in a minor fender bender in a car and the lady and I exchanged info, so easy!

Getting knocked over on your bike is also not a serious accident, he's banged up, didn't require life flight.
its not a hit and run since you talked and exchanged money.if the damages are over a certain amount you both may have broken the law by not reporting the accident.did he grab,hit,kick or threaten you to get you to take the money.the atmos trucks here have warning stickers that say stay back 50 feet,frequent stops and backing up.was his amber strobe light on did you hear the reverse alarm.he can make up anything and so can you now that its took money once and now you want more there are alot of people who target these companys just for the money and setup need to think about these things before taking any of the above seems to me you learned two valuable lessons 1 always have an out 2 always exchange info and call the cops.glad to hear your ok.also dont go into to much detail on any of your social sites a friend of mine lost a law suit mainly because of comments he made on one.
i have to say that the critizism of you is justified. you did **** up by not calling the police; by taking the money and by letting him leave. like i said before, always call the police. like i said before, after an accident, a person doesnt always think clearly. some people respond different than others, so i can understand you being rattled and not thinking clearly.

my bet is that the company will cover your repair costs. they dont want to risk a lawsuit and if they can get off with a few thousand in bike repairs, they will be quite happy with that outcome. as for the employee, he made his bed, let him sleep in it. and for you, i know you have learned something and hopefully this thread will help someone in the future make the right decisions.
**** happens and i can see how this played out.
your shook up by being hit and taken advantage of by the driver of the other vehicle later you get home and realize you fed up.
Seariously baja there is a fine line between blunt and *******......
Goodluck and sory no extra black fender
One of my first bikes had bent forks. Looked totally good to me when I bought it at an auction.

Worst speed wobbles ever. I had to get off the highway and take back roads at lower speeds.

Once I got home, I had a better look at the forks and put a straight edge to them. Yep, they were bent.

Hardly noticeable but an experienced shop would look for that.
Congrats Baja, your a total tool bag. I'm not one to argue over the internet, but if I ever saw you somewhere I'd show you just how easy I can make you a spineless piece of ****.

You're part of the reason this forum has gone to ****.

Just so everyones aware, the state police are handling the situation as well as Penelec. I do have a witness who was sitting on his porch at the time of the incident. This guy has been involved in these instances before. I didn't handle the situation properly because I was stunned at what just happened. Ever have a 6 ton truck almost flatten you?

I've done nothing but be courteous and helpful to people on this forum, through parts, charity auctions, helping with the T-shirts and various other things, but I won't tolerate some ****** running his mouth when he clearly doesn't understand the entire situation.

I posted this thread because I needed advice as I have never been involved in any type of MVA, that being said, seeing that it was the first time that anything like this had ever happened to me I didn't do what I should have. I was looking for advice or instruction, not insults Baja. You do nice work on bikes, but that must be all you know how to do, you can't relate or communicate with people worth a ****.

So, I am done on this forum. For all the people that have been great on this forum, 50dro, extremelow, and the many others I cant think of off the top of my head, thanks for the support.

Some of you local guys have my contact info, if you ever wanna ride get ahold of me.

I'm out.

You're welcome mowgoli84

This thread is unfortunate in every way [sad]
Sorry one member made you feel like your input wasn't appreciated, bud. It certainly doesn't reflect the attitude of the rest of the forum.

Best of luck in your future endeavors.

Keep the rubber side down (and try to stay out from under big trucks, if at all possible).
Just to clarify, I am not attempting nor did I want to demean other forum members in any way, as whole this forum has a lot of great and helpful people.
I have enough negativity in my life right now with all the child custody court ******** I am going through, I don't need anything else on top of that.

I will post the end result of this incident when I hear back from the company tomorrow. They were happy that I called them about the accident as he was supposed to call the state police and his employer immediately according to his protocols.

For now, its back to my K forum.

God bless and stay safe =]
mad props for being a solid guy Jeff [up]
tons of respect for stepping up with the mountain bikes you put up for auction on Ebay to raise funds for Delta 1's family
BIG [up]

glad you were not seriously hurt and hope this situation works out in your favour
see ya on Facebook, if your ever up this way we can all ride Fox Mountain in Williams Lake ;)
Just updating like I said I would-

Bikes fine, forks straight, nothing bent.

The company is cutting me a check for the damages + a little bit for my time and hassle.

I contacted the driver of the truck to return the money he gave me and he hasn't returned my call.

Picking up an 1125 on thursday night.

cheerios all ;)

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