people need to watch out for motorcycle

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
i have a 08 firebolt it has been 2 week now but just wanted to see what other people what have done in my shoes lol . i was dead stop at a 4 way sign sign and a car just rear end me and i called ukes hd to see what the damages up to 3000 so far =(. the kid ask me if i was ok i said look at my bike and after i got the bike back up off the ground he told me it was a nice looking bike .... if i did not call the cops i would have killed this kid
Damn.... that sucks. Make sure his insurance pays for everything. If not take him to court. That person shouldn't be on the road if he you like that.

Glad you're ok though.
ya i guess the best part about this he had state farm and when i got the police report he live in a every rich neighborhood
They should be paying for the damages to the bike and any medical bills you incur, PLUS you should have been asked by an officer or a district attorney if you want to ask for reparations or something, which is just extra money for ******* up your life.

I got rearended when I was in my pickup and they paid for everything (I had State Farm, just in case they didn't) and I asked for $500 on top of it (I thought I needed the $500 to cover my deductible, but evidently the cops found their insurance). I felt kinda bad because they were poor and she paid me like $59 a month for a year or whatever LOL... :( sorry, lady! Pay attention next time traffic is stopping!
lol , that suck , this has happen to me 2 times now . i know the frist time i had the bike for 5 days and a bitch pulled out in front of me and i flip it and i just had shoulder surgery bc of it and that was about 3 years ago my mom ask me am i going to sell it now i tolled her hell no my buell is my babe
Some person that annoys me was walking across the street stopped in the middle median waiting for traffic. Of course they decide to walk right out in front of me even though they looked at the direction I was coming from. Slammed on the brakes and managed to stop 5 feet in front of him. Didn't even react 'till I was 20 ft from him hard on the brakes. Scared the **** out of him.
I havent been hit yet............ but there have been more then one close calls with idiot drivers out here, (95% moms running late picking up or driving their kids to school, while talkin on their phone.) Gotta love illinois.
It's not just Illinois gtp3800, it's everywhere. In PA I actually try and see which drivers aren't on their phones. The ones who aren't are usually 150+ years old driving a 5000lb caddy. I can't tell you how many fingers I give on my 2.3 mile ride to work.
ya zeroflat24, i hear you i given a lot of fingers and they just laugh about it when they cut me off that is more young bitch that do that
I agree, people do need to pay more attention. Not just to motorcycles, but other motorists in general. If a kid on his or her phone doesn't see a full-size truck before switching lanes, they will not even remotely be aware of your motorcycle. As for giving the finger, I have never done it. I feel that just gives people a reaso to kick my bike over if they notice it sitting out while i'm at work.
Having lived in many states, I think I can say that Florida is where the countries worste drivers reside...I'm pretty damn sure that about 50%-75% of the people don't know the difference between left lane/right lane, what the term "merge" means and how to do it, what the boundaries of their lane are, and that vehicles WILL operate while "coasting"....not just while the brake or gas pedals are to the floor...

Whether on my bike or in my truck, I nearly get in wrecks everyday....oh and I saw on the news this weekend I think like 25% or 50% of FL drivers do not have insurance....yay "no fault" state law!!!
I also don't give the finger anymore...wears my arm out....

I found that waving and smiling pisses people off far worse anyway...
I have mounted hero hd to my bike, just so that if I'm killed my love ones have some idea of how it went down from a dead man's view!!
At least one close call per day here in Cal.

Glad your still upright. I was going down AH the other day and had a van pull out in front of me. I was good on the van till the dumb ass kid in his parents Volvo decided to keep following the van through the stop sign. The dumb ass kid stopped in the middle of the road as soon as he saw me, forcing me into the left lane to go around him. At this point he is saying "Im sorry; I'm sorry" through his window. Keep your eyes peeled gals and guys.
Firestorm, if you need help with the bike, I live 15 minutes from Ukes (in Kansasville), and work in Lake Villa, IL. I have had my bike apart a few times, so I know my way around them fairly well.
Good to hear you made it out alive.

The more you ride the more non-attentive drivers you will come across.
So you just gotta keep them head and eyes moving around.
The second you get comfortable and think you have nothing to worry about is when someone will have a target on your back.
If you find someone who is driving like an ******, I tend to slow down and let them pass me cause then I can control how far away I am from them, or pick another route.
thank you yall but tell me why MY insurance guy told me he is going to try to paint the plasic or buff out the scratches i asked him is he joking . this **** is not going to happen non of this is my fault but i got to want in tell tomorrow to see what he says it is going to be replace