Along the bottom I just used hot glue, but along the top I used black silicon. You can't see any of it from the front. Turned out good, but it was more work than I was anticipating. Cutting the mesh to fit the cut out perfectly was a pain in the ass. Took me a few tries at least.
I somewhat "tacked" the top of the sheet in two or three places along the top with hot glue just to hold it in place. I then went back and used the black silicon and let it dry, then removed the hot glue "dots" from the top.
Yeah I have a few things I'd do different to make it easier to hide the glue. Let me know when you get to yours, or anyone for that matter, if you need any help or tips.
One thing I want to point out to all of you guys that used this... (And I'm guilty of this as well, mine has to come out and get painted) This is plain steel, it will rust if left out in the elements! I would highly recommend priming and painting. At the minimum throw some clear coat over it before installation.
I just took my bike out for a ride after washing it a couple weeks ago and noticed some rusting in the corners! UGH!
Just got mine in today, couple of coats of clear and about an hour of cutting/fitting.
I had this thought that what would a buell XB concept bike have looked like? And trying to build in that direction. Thoughts?