Perhaps Eric seen it coming...

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Reading in the magazine I got at the bike show last month and found an article by a fella named Frank Wood. Apparently he was an announcer for the AMA road races last year. He claims at the New Jersey round he was talking to Eric and Eric said one of the first questions the new Harley head ******* asked was "Why is Harley spending so much money on Eric Buell's hobby? Tells ya where we stood. Apparently we were just a "hobby". ****** ********.....Braaa Braa. Wayne
I don't know? I do know that it takes money to make money so even if they were dumping money into his "hobby" what were their returns? Maybe if they would have properly marketed these bikes they would have received much greater returns. Who woulda thunk??? you put 2 maybe 3 sport bikes in the back corner of a showroom full of sleeveless leather clothing & chromed up cruisers & then wonder why they aren't selling so well [confused][confused] DUMB-*****!!!!!
"new harley head *******"..? Who are these suits??
Judging from the demise of Buell-it's too easy to beleive they saw it as just a hobby.
I can't help but honestly wonder if anyone at the top felt bad(for real!) about pulling the plug..

Wayne your always raging on hd-

Beleive me ,I'm right there ,everyone within 400 miles of me hears about it.anytime a freind or admirer of my bike asks about Buell I give them an ear full what I think about this subject..
Just saying brother.
And if eric did see the axe coming,I can only imagine what a dreadfull feeling that was...
I can only say that for his sake I hope he did see it coming. If I were in his shoes it would be nice to see it coming and have about 6 to 12 months to prepare for it rather than go to work one day and find out they are pulling the plug. Oh yeah, his "hobby"??? it is more like his life, his name, & everything he has poured all of his hard work into for the last what 26yrs? hobby my ass!
If you think about all bikes are someones hobby/ passion so for him to say that he was funding Erics hobby is just like the kettle calling the pot black
In many ways harley is just a name to me, like coca cola.i don't drink that either.
I don't have any gripes with those who ride hd ,becouse that's lame,but the company
Seems to have a history of selling out since after the 60's.
Bolt is bang on, H-D is nothing more then a 'brand'!
look at what Coca-Cola did with the image of Santa Claus, ripped off the european version of Kris Kringle and bastardized it to make it acceptable to the western masses...

look at the western version of Jesus, the guy is from the middle east and would look more like Bin Laden then some 'sufer dude' that the west has adopted (I call him...hippy Jesus..LOL)

I would never buy a H-D (altho it was the XR750 that really peeked my interest in H-D)
Nor would I have anything with their badging on it (I know BamBam has some H-D logos on the engine) not a t-shirt, sticker, keychain..NOTHING!

F*ck You H-D [mad]
F*ck you gently with a chainsaw!


Well I guess the new head guy figured why do it if they were not going to do it right. Look at the MV Augusta purchase, bought them then put them on the market. I just don't know why they didn't try to sell the Buell brand or maybe they did try. Edit: Here's a good article, since Buell is not a separate division on the spread sheet they were not sold but closed down.
Woa! According to tom barlow ,shutting down Buell &selling mv was long overdue?!
Why did they even buy mv?! At least he does mention the lack of dealer acceptance&lack of investment by the company! Why take on Buell& do it half assed, own the mv name, do nothing with it. And then let it all go...
I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot now. Hopefull eric will once again have the opportunity to design&manufacture street bikes again.
Like a bunch of overweight middle aged guys riding around in their 'gang' with 5 other bald guys in leather vests is anything less than a hobby? I have no problem with Harleys if that's what you want to ride but please don't expect anyone to take you seriously about anything, they're just toys... 700lb 50hp toys. Harley really isn't anything more than a giant advertising firm who decided to make their own sub-standard product to advertise, and they did an awesome job of it. The only thing that really confuses me is if they managed to make such a massive image over something so behind on technology, I feel like they could've taken over the world with something like Buell, but there's too much personal bias within the company to want to do it with anything aside from a cruiser.

I would've thought that even if Harley didn't want to deal with the whole Buell line anymore, it wouldn't hurt them just to put out one model of the xb12s, badge it as a harley and put a couple shiney things on it. They already had all the tools to do it, and even if they didn't ever update the model, it still would've been more technologically advanced than any Harley cruiser that came out in the next 75 years. All they had to do was stop trying to compete with the rest of the sportbike market, and focus it towards the crowd that still likes harleys, but actually ride somewhere that it's useful to have a light nimble bike.
How hard is it to split the sheets. I mean how does it matter if the two companies are not seperate. As a former buis owner, Its not hard to divid the assets and sell them off.

Plus at the end of the second paragrph the writer offers that they cant sell Buell due to a lack a value[confused][confused] I I remember right there are plenty of people and compaies wanting to pay plenty for the Brand. More H.D Bulls%$t
These new CEo's come along **** up a compainy get there bonus and go on to another. It happens all the time. When a compainy falls for it I lose all respect for them cause the CEO never have a clue about the product and think they can market an american motorcycle compiny the same as a can of ******* tuna, or a big mac! Motorcycles become units like every other commodity. When this happens it loses its soul. It becomes and empty meaningless item. **** harley and those who run it. When they stop treating there motorcycles like big macs I will too.
One more thing when I walk in to a harley dealership I feel like I waked in to a Walmart. Harley motorcycles are so expencive that when I walk in to a dealership I expect to be greated by a mechanic. Not a retarted walmart greeter. Im not againsted ******* I just dont want to buy a bike from one.
Yes Bolt I am constantly raging on H-D. I was sold down the river like a lot of other people on the idea of "joining the family" as it were. Only cost me close to $14,000 CDN to find out the Motor Company doesn't give a **** about me or the bike they so proudly sold me. They didn't just drop the Buell brand, they dropped you, me, and all the others so **** them. This is the first and only brand new vehicle I've ever purchased and I feel I've got a pretty good reason to be pissy. Wayne

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