Picture Challenge

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It really doesn't matter to me that much, someone will eventually get it. But this is what was posted in the first post

Basic rules:

1 - Has to be YOUR motorcycle.
2 - Picture has to be taken after challenge is made.
3 - Challenge is good for 2 weeks, if it is not met, the previous picture poster picks a new challenge.
4 - Nothing illegal to be challenged.
5 - Keep comments to a minimum, if you comment, post the current challenge after your comment.
6 - No repeat challenges.
If you let it go for the weekend I should be able to get it done. It is supposed to be gorgeous out. I'm going to be working on my RR tomorrow so I'll have the bikes out anyways. Just gotta set up a time to meet up with the girlfriends sister. [smirk]

Up to you guys tho...just saying I've got it covered. She's excited to be on a bike for the first time we are both just busy people.
Challenge: Action shot of you giving someone a ride who has never been on a motorcycle before.

Finally got together with Victoria's sister Erica at a family dinner tonight. We took a 20 mile ride around Omaha. We went down I80 and hit a really good looping on ramp from 84th street onto I80 West that you can get the bike to lay over pretty good. Then hit the I80 West/I680 North split at a good clip. She was a good rider. There wasn't anything unsafe about it. I told her what to do and what not to do and she had a blast. Anyways some pics.

We got a few moving pics in a parking lot after the ride as we were heading back to their parents house.








There it is. Completed. Sorry it took so long.

Next Challenge: Mega Old Glory Challenge - picture of your bike with a HUGE United States flag. It can either be on a pole, wall, building...Anywhere. It just has to be an enormous US flag.

I got the idea from a picture I want to get with my bike and a HUGE US flag at a dealership here.
[mad] No wind in downtown dallas today. Storm rollin in too. Weird.

Ill give it a shot tomorrow if no one else has got it.
Yeah I forgot to say that... Preferrably the flag blowing in the wind if it is on a pole. The objective is to get a shot of our great American sportbikes with our flag waving in the wind or hung up and being displayed in all it's glory! :)
DANG YOU RED WHITE... I HATE YOU!!!! no, not really.. i guess you're ok, you just beat me to the punch.. just got one tonight... hmmmmmmmm.[smirk] good work.
HAHA sorry man. :p I knew I could get it from the start. I was going to get the pics the first weekend the challenge was up, but it was difficult getting a good time scheduled between two busy people. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did and I actually got to complete it. :D
There is a giant flag at a local car dealer. It would be cake to get the picture, but I have no muffler and don't really want to ride without it.
there is a giant one at a flea market down the street. i will try to stop by on my way home from work tomorrow if no one gets it first
Rain today, possible rain tomorrow. Then Im off the rest of the week. Damn the luck, Nice flags at city hall too.

Ill go back and get them regardless if someone wins or not.
I have a giant flag close to me.. I wont be able to get a pic till after work today. someone might get it before then though lol. I'll give it a shot if no one else can. Dunno if my camera has a wide enough lens to get it in there though. Prob just have to take it with my cell.

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