Just a crappy cellphone pic. Can't quite make it out,but it is the VA state flag along with the Stars and Stripes, and our VPP & Fritolay flags. Need a little while to figure out the next challange.
Here on Ft. Hood we have Wild Longhorn. they've been here since the Indians and are protected species. no fences they aren't human fed or tended to. and when you accidentally blow one up with a 203 it's going to cost you about $75,000 in fines.
Some SF guys got fined $100k for blowing up a camel when I was in Africa. Not sure how or who actually paid for it but a $100k for killing a camel is just crazy. Hell they arent even protected. But it was Africa so who knows[smirk]
Lol I'm sure the soldiers didn't pay. Sfbudget is pretty endless. They can afford a million in fines. Next challenge is a stoppie with the front window sign or low posted sign of a coffee shop in background.
Lol I'm sure the soldiers didn't pay. Sfbudget is pretty endless. They can afford a million in fines. Next challenge is a stoppie with the front window sign or low posted sign of a coffee shop in background.