Plastic body panel polish or cleaner?

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Feb 21, 2015
The previous owner of my Sunfire Yellow 2006 Firebolt left some greasy fingerprints in various places on the plastic body panels. I can't seem to get them off with polishing wax, is there a trick or product out there that will make getting the stains off easier?

metz: try either novus plastic polish or meguiars plastic polish. novus products are fabulous and they offer several different "grades" of plastic polishing from the aggressive compound to the tame. they also offer a reasonably priced kit that has all 3 grades of polish in same. works like a charm.
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I've used the meguiars on mine it is really mild and did a good job with what I used it for. I use it on my helmet visor too.
Novos is amazing stuff. Get the starter set off Amazon for less than $10.00
That novus is great for getting scratches out and marks that actually change the surface. Once you have a smooth surface this stuff is great, it will cut dirt and grease. It smells good too. Sounds like you might actually have to polish those finger prints out. If it was just grease it would come right off.
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Adding my $0.02, I bought the Novus 1/2/3 kit with a couple of polishing rags off Amazon as a kit for roughly $18 shipped to my door (I have prime).

I had a couple of grease stains from my own paws, and it took it off. It'll polish out tiny scuffs, down through decent sized scratches, but not so much heavy gouges.

It's a good product line.

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