please a need help with my buell 2009

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
hi guys prosím pomozte ... odpusť mi můj pravopis .. Jsem z České republiky ... Mám 2009 Buell Lightning xb 12 ss dlouholetou motocyklu jízda rok ... žádné problémy .. Mám závodní EMC., ... kn filtr ... a původní výfuk, který je nastaven vyřezávané, v souladu s pokyny z youtube ... Všechno bylo v pořádku jeden den a motorka začala střílet do výfuku ... Snažil jsem se s TPS resetu, změny zátky, změny kabel pro konektory, jasné filtr .. dobijte baterii na maximum má nyní 13,8 V. .. Snažil jsem se, aby diagnózu a Ukázal mi chybové kódy 13,15,21,34 ... oxygen čidlo jsem nahradil ji novou, ale ještě se ukáže problematické na 13. .. prosím, pomozte v České republice není nikdo, kdo mi může pomoci, že jsi moje jediná naděje
you message did not translate very well into English.

describe the symptoms again, ok?

did you find the meanings of the error codes yet?
DDFI Trouble Codes

Code No. Fault Condition
11 Throttle position sensor
13 Oxygen sensor
14 Engine temperature sensor
15 Intake air temperature sensor
16 Battery voltage
21 inter active muffler control
23 Front fuel injector
24 Front ignition coil
25 Rear ignition coil
26,27 clutch and neutral switch
32 Rear fuel injector
33 Fuel pump
34 iac
35 Tachometer
36 fan voltage
37,43 speed sensor
44 Bank angle sensor
45 side stand sensor
46 start relay
47 aux power outlets
52, 53, 54, 55 ECM failure
56 Cam sync failure
The group of numbers you gave us all relate to intake and exhast.

Race ECM eliminates exhaust valve.. I would check to see if the exhaust valve and any electric wiring involved with the exhaust vaulve may be causing some kind of an error.

Then I would check the IAC

Does the motorcycle idle normally?
the more I think about it, the less likely it is that the exhaust valve has anything to do with it. The Exhaust Valve has no way of talking to the race ECM. I am not very famliiar with the conversion to the race ecm with the stock exhaust, my XB12 was already converted when I bought it. But I dont think exhaust valve is involved with the error codes you gave.
Its something to do with intake or idle..

dont worry, the XB motor is very simple, like something from Soviet technology. You will find the problem..just give us the symptoms again. Tell us what happened when it failed. what you did to the motorcycle before the problem and after.. we need more information.
Yeah, this guy has no fewer than 9 threads going about this same problem, he's posted the same question under every category this weekend
ok, now I get it.. "shooting from exhaust".. he means "backfire" or popping off-throttle I guess.. ha ha ha


I guess he must be running some nasty motor oil? I notice that on mine as the oil starts getting some miles on it, it will pop a bit more...

On his profile he was complaining about the very same issue 2 years ago.. I wonder what type of oil he is running?
Lol, I dont think so. He has so many threads going with different members responding to them I don't know if he's even getting all the info. One of his posts said he now only has a code 13 (O2 sensor out of range)
yeah I found the other threads.. hes dealing with "misfires" I think.. probably a bad coil.. He is all over the board, one min it sounds like backfire issues, next its popping issues then now it kinda sounds like "misfires".. the language barrier is a problem. He sounds like a real Buell guy though.. hes just in a panic I think.. ha ha
THATS what i told him, check the coil is grounded and check the output and make sure the wires were seated all the way, he says he thinks the coils is "ok".

Language barrier sure, but Google Chrome does an awesome job of translating. He's pretty well amped up, lol
anything electrical has to be checked.. you cant just say "Its ok".. ,,, NO, its "unchecked" so, how could it it "ok"??..its just ****** "unchecked".. ha ha ha
hi me drive Buell worked well .. I have a filter on it CN race ecm and exhaust which is carved completely and throttle actuator for compensation .. Buell I ran well all year .. Now I started shooting from the exhaust, that I never had ... I tried to clean the spark plugs, cables to replace spark plugs, tighten connectors, according to the manual, I tried it with a multimeter grounded, clean the filter, replace the oxy sensor, replace the actuator for compensation, I checked the oil, I recharged the battery and measured 13.8 V, tomorrow I have borrowed the original race exhaust, and iridium spark plugs, then I do not know the year and ran day-to-day all the problems I do not know .. I zkošel and diagnostics via show-through pins and showed me the following as 13,15,21,34 thank you welcome any advice
"shooting from exhaust" is not translating well into English.

"Shooting from exhaust" = "backfire"?

you ecm is a "learning" ecm.. any changes to the system will take time for the ecm to find the proper mixture.. but I have have seen any warning codes from the ecm when small changes were made,
bike is as I described the year without changing ... but 2 months back ... one day he started to shoot from exhaust (above 2000rmp bom bom from exhaust) ... I did not make any changes never everything was alright
That is the correct weight of oil but the wrong type. You need synthetic oil. The XB engine runs hotter and harder than a Harly Sportster engine. You need synthetic oil to fight the temperature or the oil will degrade very quickly. I use..

this is the best one for the XB12R.
if you use bad oil it degrades quickly. I have noticed that as oil get worse, you will hear "pop-pop-BANG" as you release the throttle and the RPMs decrease.

Drain all the oil out of the Primary and the swingarm. Try synthetic oil.
it is possible that watervapor from inferior oil was sprayed on to the 02 snesor giving error code 13.
2 waste water vapor hoses come up from the rocker boxes and go into the airbox so the motor can re-breath and burn off the water vapor to reduce emmissons. You may want to by-pass this feature. We call it "rocker-box breather by-pass" modification.
I will try to change the oil .. "rocker-box air by-pass" modification? Will you help me?? I drive oil over a year and everything was ok .. I have NGK spark plugs racing .. it's also the year I have .. I bought a new spark plug cables .. I cleaned the spark plug .. checking grounding connector and cleanliness all ok ... I do not know :-( (I can try to disconnect the white cable with ecm spy and try original race exhaust, then you probably end up here