Point and Shoot (a Camera Discussion)

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Jun 19, 2008
I'm looking into getting a Canon EOS D50. I use to be really into photography in highschool, but since I've been in the Marines, never really had time. Now I'm getting back into it. I just wanted to hear your stories, and what kind of Camera's you all use for your pics wether SLR or Point and shoot smaller cameras.

I had a Casio Exilim, and loved it, but it got dirty (two very annoying specks in the lens) so after trying to clean it I ended up destroying it... so I'm getting an SLR for better quality pics.
Are you interested in a used 50d? I just upgraded to a 7d (got it last night actually) and am just about to list my 50d for sale...

As for cameras, I'd definitely recommend an SLR over a point and shoot, if you get a basic understanding of photography you can do so much more with an SLR, and if need be you can put it on the green box and still use it like a p&s. I started with a canon rebel 2000 film SLR about 15 years ago, eventually upgraded that to a canon elan 7ne (another film SLR, that I still have), went digital with a 20d maybe 4-5 years ago, got my 50d 2 years ago, and just got a 7d last night.
my wife got me a T1i for xmas (opened it way early). It is pretty entry level to DSLR stuff, so not too expensive. I think she paid 800, for the package and it came with a bag, SD card, 2 lenses, body and some HDMI cables. None of the stuff is high end, but compared to the P&S I've been using I look like a pro.
I've owned over 20 Nikon SLR/DSLR's Hasselblads, Fuji GS680 and a Sinar 5X7 and used to make my living as a photographer. I use my P&S 99% of the time now. Canon SD1200. I never want to bring my Nikon D80 or even my much nicer and smaller D40 because it's a lot to lug around. My Canon SD1200 fits in my front pocket and I never know it's there. I know how to use it and when to use spot metering, fill flash, slow synch flash and so on, so I get great shots.

I will probably buy the Canon S90 or S95 since it is super small and has full manual, as well as full auto and aperture and shutter priority. It uses the same sensor as the renowned G11 and G12 which is three times as big.
Could do $850 shipped.

It's the 50d, with canon bg-e2n grip, 2 canon batteries, about 8500 clicks, everything is in excellent condition and works perfectly. Have all original accessories (charger, cables, manual, etc.) and boxes (have to look for box for bg-e2n, moved recently and not sure off hand where that one is). I have a final tonight for one of my photography classes, but can take pics afterward and forward them to you if you're interested.
Alfa - agreed...when out and about I prefer to take my wifes p&s unless I'm specifically going to be shooting an event like an airshow, concert, awards ceremony, etc...the p&s doesn't hold a candle to a dslr in those case. In the studio or doing location shoots I wouldn't be able to survive without my dslr...
Thats a good deal, however, I've got three bids on Ebay right now on 50Ds and one 1D (8.6 MP)(for fun) so I'm gonna have to pass up on that offer for the moment, but good luck selling it, and I hope you sell it very quickly I've looked at all sorts of Camera's and I love the 50D the most since it seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. Currently I'm using a Nikon D40 (its a friends) and its awesome.
Oh, wanted to add...if you wanted just the body without the grip and one battery I could do $725 shipped.
Built my own through photography classes at Drury Univ- I can only take 4x4's using light sensitive paper, and develop my own picts using Decktol, D76, and Fixer :)
but for my every day rub in the dirt shooter, I have a sanyo 15 meg, with a 4.7x 5 app, Do your research and read reviews
buelljek - did you build one with a lens or just a regular pinhole camera? I think most photo programs have you build a pinhole somewhere along the way...
I built mine with both, very BA I could get roughly a 5x zoom on mine, although on a 4x4 information gets very confusing... I also built a light refractor using polished stainless on a concave reduction.
I rarely need my 300 2.8 or 400 5.6 anymore...

Send them my way, I'll make sure they have a nice loving home... [smirk]

What kind of pics do I take? Portraits blown up to 16X20, skydiving photography of tandem jumps/ formation jumpers where bursts are needed, airshows getting the action of the fly bys and jumpers, to name a few...a p&s won't cut it for me there.

The s95 does look like a great camera, my wifes p&s is about due to be replaced...I've been looking at sx210 but who knows...
I don't know if I will ever be able to go back to a basic PHD camera again, I was always missing shots with it.
turn it on and wait a minute for it to get ready, push the shutter button and wait for it to focus, as it takes the picture wait for it to go through its flashing cycle determining how much light there is, then snap a blurry picture.
meanwhile my subject is long gone and I'm still fighting with the camera.
and don't even think about trying to get multiple shots in rapid succession without digging through a menu for burst mode first, and don't expect the focus to change between shots either.

my Nikon will snap a photo in less than a second from turned off. and you can easily turn it into a PHD point and click full auto with the turn of a dial.
actual specs
Continuous shooting as fast as 4.5 frames-per-second: Combined with fast 0.15s power-up and split-second 65ms shooting lag

"advance" cameras are a waist of money, they don't do PHD well and they have the drawbacks of size like an SLR but not the adjust ability or manual mode of an SLR or even the image quality. IMO stay away, there is no real middle ground. go P&S or SLR.

the downside? it sure as hell wont fit in your pocket.
cannon and nikon have released "small body 'SLR'" (at least that's how my local best buy introduced it to me) that could be appealing to me, it runs full manual with a mid level sensor shoots raw images and is much smaller and lighter than any other SLR or typical advance. perhaps they will do better than the other advanced cameras, or they could suck like the rest.
When I used to shoot action stuff I never focused in auto anyway, use manual and the depth of field scale and you'll never miss a shot as long as you know your exposure you're all good.
When I used to shoot action stuff I never focused in auto anyway, use manual and the depth of field scale and you'll never miss a shot as long as you know your exposure you're all good.

yea I need to brush up on that and my ability to range by sight alone.

I was too dependent on prism focusing rectical(sp?) back in the day and without it I feel naked, so I am now lazy and let the camera auto focus for me :(