power issue

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2009
la harpe, il
this problem is over a year old now. last fall i was riding a night and the bike acted like it died but didnt. all the light dimmed down and bike sounded like it lost power. once i let off of it every thing came back. it happened to me a short time later. didnt think much off it. a few days later it didnt want to start. i replaced the battery. all was well till this fall. i did ride it much this year because i bought a new bike. it would start with out issues. untill i left it off the maintainer for a week. it would not start. i could get acc. light to come on but when in the on position it maded buzzing noises and light would flicker. but wouldnt start. put it back on the maintainer. after a couple of days maintainer was telling me battery was charged. but nothing would come on. no light no fuel pump. when i unpluged the maintain the bike had no power. pulled battery out its fully charged. i can even start my 4 wheeler with it. any ideas?
sort of sounds like a voltage regulator problem, but its weird that you can't get anything out of it with a fully charged battery.....
here is an update: put the battery (battery master) on the charger to make sure it was good and charged. saw my old battery (drag specality) that i thought was bad and charged it to. found my load tester. well the newer battery (bm) was fully charged, at least thats what the charger was saying. when load testing it came out with different voltages, 0 cca's, and not fully charged. same thing happened after i put the charger back to it. my old battery (ds) charged up with out issues and load tested out with 12.37 volts and 188 cca's. to make it more interesting the b.m. battery has been on a maintainer and the d.s. battery has just been sitting on the shelf. im going to put the old battery in and see what happens. it sucks that the warrenty expired of the b.m. battery when the starting issues happened.