Preventative maintenance/ tune-up suggestions???

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Well-known member
May 13, 2014
I have an 04 firebolt with 32k on it. Starting to feel a little less stable and confideny in the corners....especially going slow (like turnig onto my street) any suggestions? Wheel or neck bearings, anything specific to look at? Fork springs, etc? Love this bike and would like it all tight n right again
How many miles are on your tires?
Your tire pressure good? Use your service manual to decide what you should have your pressure at. WARNING: this subject is as murky as an oil thread.
With 32k in the bike your a little over due for a fork service.
Also check you head/steering bearing.

If your tires are fairly new and the tire pressure is within an acceptable street range, I'd say you need some suspension service.
Thanks for the input....that's what i was thinking....head bearing and fork service....probably wheel bearings as well
If its feeling like the bike is 'falling' into the turns it's very likely a squared off front tire. You can still have tread in the middle and have a worn out front tire. Pics?

A fork service and steering neck bearings are cheap to do yourself. The procedures are in the free service manual you can get at or
Thanks guys are freakin awesome. Yeah it feels like it's falling into the turn somewhat, buy it also feels like i have to fight the bars somewhat while going into a turn. Almost like it needs a steering stabilizer, which it never felt that way before....and doing 80+ down the highway, i can let go of the bars and just let it's not wobbly or tracking crooked

I had this exact issue with a used 09 SS I purchased last year. I put a fresh set of RoadTecs on and problem solved. Handled great.
