Well, I've finally managed to put together some time to reassemble after my transmission issues. Man, am I looking forward to blasting again.
I'm down to putting the primary cover back on (the large cover, not the inspection plate), but... it doesn't want to mate up all the way around - it seems to be coming in on an angle. I'm not sure what the issue is, and I don't want to force it.
I don't think the shifter is bent, nor can I see any warpage of the case or the cover. I would rather ask here than risk damaging it by simply using the bolts to torque it down.
How much easily should the primary cover mate up with the case? How much beating/forcing should this require? Any tips on getting this back on?
For those wondering, I had to replace the clutch, its bearings, re-align the shift pins, do a shift pawl adjust, all due to the shift detent plate retainer clip breaking. I also took the opportunity to replace the primary tensioner shoe. Took far too long to get the time together for this. [sad]
I'm down to putting the primary cover back on (the large cover, not the inspection plate), but... it doesn't want to mate up all the way around - it seems to be coming in on an angle. I'm not sure what the issue is, and I don't want to force it.
I don't think the shifter is bent, nor can I see any warpage of the case or the cover. I would rather ask here than risk damaging it by simply using the bolts to torque it down.
How much easily should the primary cover mate up with the case? How much beating/forcing should this require? Any tips on getting this back on?
For those wondering, I had to replace the clutch, its bearings, re-align the shift pins, do a shift pawl adjust, all due to the shift detent plate retainer clip breaking. I also took the opportunity to replace the primary tensioner shoe. Took far too long to get the time together for this. [sad]