Primary Cover Replacement and Clutch Problems

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Feb 9, 2013
Was riding the other month and the shifter pivot bolt sheared off. Got a new primary cover from a member and installed it and added the fluid but realized I don't have the shifter bolt sleeve/bushing. That is ordered. I've been fighting the clutch in getting it back to how it was, following the manual with the 1/4-1/2 turn after it bottomed out. I was just going to leave it until I got the sleeve but I tried to roll it with the clutch in and it wouldn't go. I found neutral and it rolled fine but somethings up with that. Just seeing if someone can point out where I f-ed up.

proper clutch pack and cable barrel adjustment are the 2 critical adjustments. instead of me listing all the correct steps in proper sequence....tell me how YOU did the adjustments and we'll go from there. you should be able to roll your xb about when in any gear with clutch disengaged though rolling same not as easy as in neutral....but it should roll.
On the adjusting screw I turned it counterclockwise until I felt some resistance then turned it clockwise for 1/4 to 1/2 turn. On the barrel I tightened the cable up until there was only a little bit of play at the lever and I could pull the lever all the way to the handle bar.
On the adjusting screw I turned it counterclockwise until I felt some resistance then turned it clockwise for 1/4 to 1/2 turn. On the barrel I tightened the cable up until there was only a little bit of play at the lever and I could pull the lever all the way to the handle bar.

you do the cable barrel first. loosen 9/16th jam nut...then turn barrel clock-wise till alot of slop in lever. by alot of slop i mean you pull lever approx. 1/2 way till you feel any action start to take place. THEN do your clutch pack slotted screw as you described. as you described was correct but should be 1/2 turn....PERIOD. then place captive lock, spring, and little derby cover onto primary cover....install the 3 torx. now go back to cable barrel and turn counter-clockwise till lever feels correct. correct means you can snugly pull the cable out of the perch approx. 1/8th inch. then lock jam nut.
The manual also says that after you adjust the ball and ramp part of the clutch, (the clutch lever should be loose at this point), that you need to squeeze in the clutch lever 3 times to set the ball and ramp after you make the 1/4-1/2 adjustment, then you adjust lever play.