Yep a very good change. I had a great opportunity so took it and it moved me out to Mississippi (gulf coast) mid 2014. That's pretty much the last time I rode. We bought a few acres and between the new job, my house, property, and a 1200sf shop, I just didn't have time to ride. I went to the dragon in 2015 and rode a bit, and went to AR to ride in the Ozarks once a year since then (my in laws live there and my FIL loves to ride). The house, yard, and shop have slowed down a bit, so I'm hoping I can do a little more riding now. I may, though, leave my bike with my father in law in the Ozarks, if I'm not going to ride it here. No sense letting it rot in my shop, at least he'll ride it. I think that'll be a spontaneous decision while I'm up there, see if he wants it.
And yes, big smile everytime I ride that bike. I took off from a stop yesterday and when I shifted into second it pulled the wheel off the ground. How can you not smile at that???