Pump or regulator bad?

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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2012
K so went to fire the bike up today and when I flipped the kill switch I heard the pump come on but it didn't make it's typical sound (typical whirring sound that changes tone as the pressure builds). Just buzzed like it was pumping air and bike won't fire. This sound like a regulator just bypassing to you guys or a pump problem? Haven't pulled it apart to check pressure on it yet but figured I'd try and get some input. I've read alot on the pumps not working or running all the time etc but hadn't read much on this one (maybe I didn't look hard enough lol)
That's my next step, that and pulling the fuel line and seeing if any fuel is actually coming out but listening to the pump it sounds like something is spinning but not actually pumping if you get what I'm saying. I probably won't mess with it until later in the week. Almost done moving shops and I'll just strap it to the lift at the new one if I have to change the pump or what not. Right as the pump quits cycling after flipping the switch you can almost hear something moving around inside there